May 14, 2017
Foto by Manca Kocjancic
I like to say I am not really a big spender when it comes to clothing shopping even though ironically, my job spins around it everyday. Instead of buying endless amounts of clothes, I prefer getting just few pieces every now and than. Pieces that are different to what I already own and for which I'm sure I'll get a lot of use out of with all my old stuff, are the ones that draw my attention. With that being said today's outfit is quite an oldie - meaning that everything I wear have been hanging in my closet for the longest time. The only new addition to it is a new pair of flats from Mass, which triggered a completely new styling idea I haven't thought of before and I'm lovin' it so much.
Fashion tip:
You probably already know how much I like to match accessories in an outfit and like to draw a red line to my outfits in a way all together makes sense. And this is exactly what I did this time as well. Eyelets on my flats match with the bag and corset belt so well I had to put them all together since they kinda look like they come together in a set, don't they? So what I did is I literally just "connected the dots", put all three of them together and let the accessories do all the talking while I left everything else pretty simple.
Četudi na prvi pogled lahko ne izgleda tako, lahko rečem, da pravzaprav sploh nisem zapravljivka, ko pride do nakupovanja oblačil. Priznam, da je to kar ironično glede na to, da se moja služba kot osebna stilistka in modna nakupovalka nekako skozi vrti okrog nakupovanja. A, bolj kot brez glavo kopičenje oblačil se rada sem in tja razvajam s kosom, ki je drugačen kot tisto kar že imam v garderobi in za katerega vem, da ga bom lahko skombinirala na nešteto načinov z vsem kar je že v moji garderobi. Za današnji styling imam oblečene stvari, ki so v omari visele že zares dolgo, z novim parom čevljev iz Massa, pa sem bila navdahnjena za popolnoma novo kombinacijo, ki se je do sedaj še nisem spomnila in jo popolnoma obožujem.
Modni nasvet:
Od vedno rada stylingom dodajam ujemajoče se modne dodatke in ustvarjam stylinge, ki imajo neko rdečo nit in za katere si rada predstavljam, da imajo nek smisel. Tako sem bila tokrat navdahnjena nad metaličnimi krogci v balerinkah, ki sta me spomnila na torbo in korzet iz moje omare. Vsi trije kosi imajo namreč metalične krogce in delujejo skupaj tako dobro, da skoraj izgleda, da so prišli skupaj v setu. Zato sem tokrat prepustila, da modni dodatki govorijo svojo zgodbo, povezala krogce v celoto in pustila, da so se ostala oblačila le preprosto zlila v to zgodbo.
2 komentarji
You look stunning!! This outfit really suits you!
Mónica Sors
Such a cool post!