"Leave a little sparkle wherever you go!"
Even though purple is not the "IT" colour of the upcoming s/s season, Burberry Prorsum decided to involve it in the collection and played magic with it. Transforming autumnal color into a wearable spring appropriate one could be very tricky, but in combination with transparent materials and bright pops of colour, purple once again proved its glorious magic of versatility.
Kljub temu, da temno vijolična ni zavzela barvnega prestola prihajajoče pomladno poletne sezone, jo je Burberry Prorsum mojstrsko vpeljal v kolekcijo in z njo prikazal pomladno barvno modno čarovnijo. Barva, ki jo povezujemo z jesenjo, je v kombinaciji z lahkimi materiali in ob poudarkih živih barv le dokazala svojo vsestranskost in svojo veličino.
I used one coat of Magnetix Instant Chemistry and one coat of glitter nailpolish
Uporabila sem eno plast Magnetix Instant Chemistry in eno plast bleščic
Even though purple is not the "IT" colour of the upcoming s/s season, Burberry Prorsum decided to involve it in the collection and played magic with it. Transforming autumnal color into a wearable spring appropriate one could be very tricky, but in combination with transparent materials and bright pops of colour, purple once again proved its glorious magic of versatility.
Kljub temu, da temno vijolična ni zavzela barvnega prestola prihajajoče pomladno poletne sezone, jo je Burberry Prorsum mojstrsko vpeljal v kolekcijo in z njo prikazal pomladno barvno modno čarovnijo. Barva, ki jo povezujemo z jesenjo, je v kombinaciji z lahkimi materiali in ob poudarkih živih barv le dokazala svojo vsestranskost in svojo veličino.
I adore snow and with that being said my excitement is beyond words on mornings when I am able to wake up in a foreign city and admire the snowflake dance.
Here is Sarajevo captured through my eyes and my second travel outfit.
Here is Sarajevo captured through my eyes and my second travel outfit.
Black, little bit of gold, covered with sparkles, with a pinch of red and covered with leo. Saint Laurent much? YES!
I used / Uporabila sem:
two coats of OPI Black lady, two coats of Orly and Orly too fab glitters, dark red Konad nailpolish for stamping and konad m57 pattern
Despite the fact that star pattern is ranking very high in ss15 season, my huge crush on leo pattern remains. With that being said Saint Laurent has to be my big fashion inspiration for quite some time now, but it has most definitely become a beauty inspiration as well.
Navkljub dejstvu, da se zvezdnat potisk prebija proti samemu vrhu za prihajajočo toplo sezono, jaz ostajam zatrapana v leopardji potisk. In kdo bi drug kot en in edini Saint Laurent je lahko še boljši modni navdih, ko pride to kombinacij potiskov? Nihče. In prav nobenega dvoma ni. Ne samo modni, sedaj je lepotni navdih.