Že voham kakšno prelepo in noro bo prihajajoča enajstka!! Vsem želim najlepše v prihajajočem letu, obenem pa se vam želim zahvaliti za vse vaše komentarje, da si vzamete čas za prebiranje mojega bloga in hvala da ste del mojega blogovskega potovanja.
Na silvesterski večer sem si naredila tale makeup, z izdelki naštitimi odspodaj:
l can already smell how amazing, wonderful and full of crazyness 2011 is going to be!! l wish you all the best, thank you for all your lovely comments, taking your time to read my blog and be a part of my blog journey.
This is my NY eve makeup, l made with:
Sleek palete in Storm (dark grey and black for outer corner)
essence jambo penicil in Silver from metalics LE and MACs electra for inner corner
black eye khol pencil
cover girl lash blast mascara
Moja silvesterska manikura in moja favoritka v letu 2010 ChG Millenium s prstanom, ki ga obožujem =))
My favorite mani for the year of 2010: ChG Millenium and my skull ring l am totally inlove with =))
Na silvesterski večer, pa je bil eden od mojih mačkonov zelo miren in tih in je cel večer strmel v svečo na mizi ... Kot da bi imel toliko želja, ki naj se mu uresničijo v letu 2011 ... Ste si tudi ve napisale seznam z željami za enajstico? =)
One of my cats was on NYeve very quiet and calm and was staring at the candle as he had soo many wishes that wants to come true in 2011 ... I hope you made some wishes for 2011 aswell... =)
Na silvesterski večer sem si naredila tale makeup, z izdelki naštitimi odspodaj:
l can already smell how amazing, wonderful and full of crazyness 2011 is going to be!! l wish you all the best, thank you for all your lovely comments, taking your time to read my blog and be a part of my blog journey.
This is my NY eve makeup, l made with:
Sleek palete in Storm (dark grey and black for outer corner)
essence jambo penicil in Silver from metalics LE and MACs electra for inner corner
black eye khol pencil
cover girl lash blast mascara
Moja silvesterska manikura in moja favoritka v letu 2010 ChG Millenium s prstanom, ki ga obožujem =))
My favorite mani for the year of 2010: ChG Millenium and my skull ring l am totally inlove with =))
Na silvesterski večer, pa je bil eden od mojih mačkonov zelo miren in tih in je cel večer strmel v svečo na mizi ... Kot da bi imel toliko želja, ki naj se mu uresničijo v letu 2011 ... Ste si tudi ve napisale seznam z željami za enajstico? =)
One of my cats was on NYeve very quiet and calm and was staring at the candle as he had soo many wishes that wants to come true in 2011 ... I hope you made some wishes for 2011 aswell... =)