My chameleon style. Style which is not continously the same, style which develops with me and which is getting its shape through the winds of change of this world.
And when feeling insecure about the world, my chameleon style strikes.
But why do I feel the need to sometimes dress in "men suits", wearing men coats, cowboy hats, when I can emphasize my gentle side so much more, when just wearing beautiful flowy skirt or pastel shades?!
To tell you the truth, I from time to time really like to dress up a bit more menly, especially in the colder times. Sometimes Im just playing around, but sometimes and as bed as it might read, I get more invisible strenght or even the needed confidance so that my step is stronger and my head can be lifted high...
Moj kameleonski stil. Stil, ki odraža moja občutenja, ki ni konstanten in se spreminja z menoj in z mojimi občutenji v viharju sprememb, ki se dogajajo v življenju. In ja. V takih obdobjih moj kameleon udari toliko bolj.
Vendar, zakaj čutim potrebo po oblačenju moških kosov oblačil, moških plaščev, kavbojskem klobuku, ko pa lahko svojo ženstveno plat lahko tako lepo poudarim z nežnimi pasteli in krasno oblekico ali krilom?!
Po pravici povedano občasno rada posežem po bolj "moških oblačilih", sploh v zimskih časih. Včasi me to zabava, včasih, pa naj se sliši še tako narobe, pa mi vlijejo tisto potrebno moč, mogoče celo samozavest za bolj trden korak in dvignjeno glavo...
See my red velvet manicure and red beauty ss2013 trens on Mancinas beauty spot!
Poglej žametno rdečo manikuro in trende za pomlad/poletje, na Mancinas beauty spot- u.
And when feeling insecure about the world, my chameleon style strikes.
But why do I feel the need to sometimes dress in "men suits", wearing men coats, cowboy hats, when I can emphasize my gentle side so much more, when just wearing beautiful flowy skirt or pastel shades?!
To tell you the truth, I from time to time really like to dress up a bit more menly, especially in the colder times. Sometimes Im just playing around, but sometimes and as bed as it might read, I get more invisible strenght or even the needed confidance so that my step is stronger and my head can be lifted high...
Moj kameleonski stil. Stil, ki odraža moja občutenja, ki ni konstanten in se spreminja z menoj in z mojimi občutenji v viharju sprememb, ki se dogajajo v življenju. In ja. V takih obdobjih moj kameleon udari toliko bolj.
Vendar, zakaj čutim potrebo po oblačenju moških kosov oblačil, moških plaščev, kavbojskem klobuku, ko pa lahko svojo ženstveno plat lahko tako lepo poudarim z nežnimi pasteli in krasno oblekico ali krilom?!
Po pravici povedano občasno rada posežem po bolj "moških oblačilih", sploh v zimskih časih. Včasi me to zabava, včasih, pa naj se sliši še tako narobe, pa mi vlijejo tisto potrebno moč, mogoče celo samozavest za bolj trden korak in dvignjeno glavo...
See my red velvet manicure and red beauty ss2013 trens on Mancinas beauty spot!
Poglej žametno rdečo manikuro in trende za pomlad/poletje, na Mancinas beauty spot- u.