

Mancinas spot is a site written by Manca Vodopivec / Mancina. It is a chronological diary, where you can follow me on my fashion path, which I started walking in my early twenties.

In my last year of university of Business and Economics, I was very lucky enough to pack my suitcases and moved to Milan, where I started working as a model. I have learnt so much about fashion world, hot to act in front of the camera and have started really to acknowledge my love for the fashion industry.
But as much as I loved modelling, my love for fashion grew into something bigger and I felt like the world behind the camera appeals to me more.

I have started working as men fashion consultant in a luxurious department store in Slovenia where my sense for fashion was captured by editor in chief of Slovenian men fashion magazine, David. Quickly I have started working as men's stylist for the magazine.

In March 2014 I started working as fashion editor and stylist of GRAZIA Slovenia and L&Z Slovenia. I have been creating fashion content for the magazine for nearly two years in Grazia and one year in L&Z.

I am working as a freelance stylist, fashion consultant and creative director now. CLICK to see my portfolio.

With that being said, Mancinas spot became a big mix of everything fashion related. Posts of my personal styling's, recent work and fashion trends. Enjoy!

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