There are quite a few misconseptions when it comes to dressing up in the winter time.
One of them is that white pants are not appropriate for that time of the year. Another one is that puffer jackets are not "fashionable" piece of clothing - so if you want to look "cool" just don't wear them. So how dearing am I to wear those two all at once?! haha just kidding.
Luckily fashion trends are breaking the ice big time by making comfy clothing chic and versatile to wear which makes me very happy.
Now obviously puffer jackets indeed look very sporty and casual but in combination with some chic heels, cinched at the waist with a belt and with the right design I think they are more than perfect for cold, wintery days.
I always loved wearing them since I am always freezing cold, so here are some of my looks from the past wearing them: PATENT, RED, BLUE.
The same goes with white pants - just style them in a more wintery way - with chunky knits, scarfs and you are good to go!
Happy, caught in a moment when the wind flipped my umbrella around, naughty, annoyed, with blistered feet, spontaneous, thankfull, concerned, eating chips on the street in the puoring rain , rushing, cold, lost in my daydream. Me.
He cought this and so much more as we were walking around, creating memories, remeniscing the past, talking about the future.
Not concearned about what I am wearing and rather just soaking in every moment, living in the present.
Manca Vodopivec / Mancina from Slovenia. Fashion stylist, former Fashion Editor of Grazia Slovenia & former model. Fashion tip at the end of every blogpost. TUDI v slovenščini! Learn more about me