Turtle neck, burnt orange and ankle
boots. Three ultimate fashion pieces that were seen on the runway far too many
times and are practically a "must" for every (not just this year's) fall season. I styled them all together into a trendy and chic office look.
Hope you'll like it.
Puli ovratnik, opečnato oranžna in
gležnjarji. To so trije ultimativni kosi, ki so bili neštetokrat opaženi
na letošnjih modnih brveh, ki so napovedovale jesensko modo. Mislim pa, da so to vsekakor kosi, ki se odlično obnesejo vsako jesen. Skombinirala sem jih vse skupaj v trendi chic outfit, ki bi bil zelo primeren tudi za v službo. Upam,
da vam bo všeč.
Can you guess which is going to be the key item for this weeks 1 ITEM 3 LOOKS blogpost? =)