"The strongest actions for a woman is to love herself, be herself and shine amongst those who never believed she could."
"A polka dot by itself is really just a dot, with no one to polka with!"
Kljub temu, da sem tokrat uporabila drugačno barvno paleto kot je bila sicer moja modna inspiracija, je del pomladansko-poletne 15 kolekcije Dolce and Gabbana bilo moje modno vodilo. Mešanica sicilijanske in španske- matador mode je kraljevala letošnji kolekciji in je brez dvoma prava modna poslastica letošnje pomladi. Ole!
I used two coats of each polish / Potrebovala sem po dve plasti vsakega odtenka
Even though I used silver and blue for this manicure, Dolce and Gabbana part of ss15 collection surely was my fashion inspiration for it. Mix of Sicilian and Spanish-matador fashion style really is something special and this true fashion candy for the upcoming warm season. Ole!
Kljub temu, da sem tokrat uporabila drugačno barvno paleto kot je bila sicer moja modna inspiracija, je del pomladansko-poletne 15 kolekcije Dolce and Gabbana bilo moje modno vodilo. Mešanica sicilijanske in španske- matador mode je kraljevala letošnji kolekciji in je brez dvoma prava modna poslastica letošnje pomladi. Ole!
"Let the experience of today be your splash of colour on your canvas of life!"
I used two coats of Zoya nailpolish as a base, cellophane and OPI and Kiko for pink spashes
Chanel is a proof of how versatile fashion can be - covering every fashion taste; from sporty to timeless elegance, Karl Lagerfeld knows a secret of enchanting every "fashion oriented" soul and thats a fact. Even a splash of pink to the outfit, looks incredibly cool when Chanel is in the game and with that being said there is no doubt about Chanel ss15 was my fashion inspiration
I used two coats of Zoya nailpolish as a base, cellophane and OPI and Kiko for pink spashes
Za podlago sem uporabila dve plasti Zoya laka, ter zmečkan celofan pomočen v pink OPI in KIKO
Chanel is a proof of how versatile fashion can be - covering every fashion taste; from sporty to timeless elegance, Karl Lagerfeld knows a secret of enchanting every "fashion oriented" soul and thats a fact. Even a splash of pink to the outfit, looks incredibly cool when Chanel is in the game and with that being said there is no doubt about Chanel ss15 was my fashion inspiration
Chanel je zagotovo ena od tistih modnih hiš, ki zna zadovoljiti prav vsak modni okus- kolekcija pokriva od športnega videza, pa vse do brezčasne elegance. Karl Lagerfeld je mojstrsko iznašel recept za čaranje vsake modne duše. Še ko je v igri punčkasta roza, jo zna vklopiti v kolekcijo na način, ki odlično deluje. Zato ni prav nobeno naključje, da je tudi tokrat Chanel kolekcija ss15 bila moj modni navdih.