Prejšnji teden je sestra spet odšla na poroko in zopet sem ji ustvarjala makeup.Odločila sem se za zlatkaste odtenke čez celotno veko, v zunanji kotiček ter t.i. crease sem nanašala bronaste, bordo, lososove barve, oči pa sem ji nato obrobila s črnim eyeliner peresom.
Nažalost še vedno ne znam najbolje ujeti barv, zato sem se morala poslužiti Photoshopa.. Celoten makeup je izgledala nekako takole:
A week ago my sister went to another wedding and i did her makeup..
I have decided to go with gold eyeshadow all over the lid and bronzy, burgundy, salmon colors in the crease and lined the eye with eyeliner pen..
Becouse I still have some problems with catching the right colors, i was forced to use Photoshop and so the makeup looked like this:
Nažalost še vedno ne znam najbolje ujeti barv, zato sem se morala poslužiti Photoshopa.. Celoten makeup je izgledala nekako takole:
A week ago my sister went to another wedding and i did her makeup..
I have decided to go with gold eyeshadow all over the lid and bronzy, burgundy, salmon colors in the crease and lined the eye with eyeliner pen..
Becouse I still have some problems with catching the right colors, i was forced to use Photoshop and so the makeup looked like this: