..... And "If the essence of my being has caused a smile upon your face or a touch of joy within your heart. Then in living - I have made my mark." Thomas L. Odem Jr.
"In fashion perfection is a bore.
To be well dressed there must be something not quite right, something casual like a scarf, askew or a not perfectly tied knot." B.Blass
To be well dressed there must be something not quite right, something casual like a scarf, askew or a not perfectly tied knot." B.Blass
handmade bag by Ninushual
One of (if not THE most) challenging year of my life so far, has come to an end.
Hoping to change my life-whirlwinds direction, I decided to start 2015 doing what I love to do. In studio. With great team, writing another fashion story. Doing and creating fashion.
Wish you all an amazing year, full of health, love and joy!
Še eno leto, leto, polno preizkušenj in zahtevnih izzivov se je poslovilo.
V upanju, da spremenim smer življenjskega vrtinca sem se odločila, da začnem 2015 na meni ljubi način. V Studiu, sem s krasno ekipo napisala še eno krasno modno zgodbo. Početi in ustvarjati modo.
Želim vam krasno leto, polno zdravja, ljubezni in sreče!
Hoping to change my life-whirlwinds direction, I decided to start 2015 doing what I love to do. In studio. With great team, writing another fashion story. Doing and creating fashion.
Wish you all an amazing year, full of health, love and joy!
V upanju, da spremenim smer življenjskega vrtinca sem se odločila, da začnem 2015 na meni ljubi način. V Studiu, sem s krasno ekipo napisala še eno krasno modno zgodbo. Početi in ustvarjati modo.
Želim vam krasno leto, polno zdravja, ljubezni in sreče!