Večinoma si dnevni makeup naredim precej nevpadljiv in nežen. Podoben kot ga ima večino časa Serena iz serije Gossip Girl. Zlati shimmer odtenki na veki in notranjem kotičku, ter bronasti odtenki v zunanjem kotičku in tanka črta na zgornji veki. Za ta makeup sem uporabila:
Most of the time I am wearing very subtile and soft makeup, during daytime.. Its very alike to the one that Serena from Gossip Girl is wearing all the time. Golden shimmer on the lid, bronze color in the crease and very thin line on the upper lid.
For that mu I have used:
Alverde Golden brown creme eyeshadow for the base
Alverde Elegant Beige, MAC Nylon, MAC All That Glitters fot the lid and the inner corner
MAC Mulch, Bronze for the crease
S-he quick eye styler for the black line on the upper lid
Most of the time I am wearing very subtile and soft makeup, during daytime.. Its very alike to the one that Serena from Gossip Girl is wearing all the time. Golden shimmer on the lid, bronze color in the crease and very thin line on the upper lid.
For that mu I have used:
Alverde Golden brown creme eyeshadow for the base
Alverde Elegant Beige, MAC Nylon, MAC All That Glitters fot the lid and the inner corner
MAC Mulch, Bronze for the crease
S-he quick eye styler for the black line on the upper lid
In ker je makeup tako preprost, ga ni težko spremeniti v verzijo za nočne shode. Poleg uporabljenih izdelkov sem dodala MAC Star Violet s katero sem definirala "crease" linijo in črto potegnila vse do notranjega kotička, ter MAC Satin Taupe in Smut v zunanji kotiček. Malo sem poudarila črto na zgornji veki, ter počrnila obe veznici:
And becouse this makeup is so subtile it can be transformed into a nightime makeup if necesary.
I Used all the products above and adding MAC Star Violet to define the crease and draw a line all the way to the inner corner and added MAC Satin Taupe, MAC Smut for the outer corner. I thickened the line on the upper lid, and draw both waterlines:
Preden se poslovim pa imam še eno vprašanje.. Glede na to, da moj drugi blog Mancinas styling spot ni tako obiskan in živ kot bi si želela, me zanima če si želite videti Stylinge dneva, ki ga sama sestavim in oblečem? =)
And for the and I have a question.. Since my other blog Mancinas styling spot is not as alive as I wish it would be, do you want to see outfits of a day styled by me and on me? =)
Upam da vam je transformacija makeupa všeč =)
Hope you like the makeup transformation =)