We went for a mini shopping one day, and she bought me this Amazing! pair of trousers and the ring I am wearing, to be remineded of her when I get back home. And yes, from time to time I do wear high heels and put my boots in closet for a while. =)
OK, ko me nekaj resnično prevzame, komaj čakam, da to delim z vami! In ja, zgodilo se je. spet! =) SIcer vem, da smo v pomladi in da smo vse nore na pastelčke in neone, ampak tole je nekaj popolnega! =)
OK, so when I like something very much I cant wait to share it with you. And it happened again. Yes, I am blown away by this nailpolish and though its spring and we are very into pastels and neons this is MAJOR! =)
Royal Velvet je popolno ime in mislim, da je eden najlepših duochrome lakov, kar sem jih videla. Potrebovala sem tri tanke plasti, a se Orly laki hvalabogu hitro sušijo, tako da ni bilo panike. =)
Orly Royal Velvet definately has the right name, and I think its one of the preetiest duochromes ever. It needed three thin coats, but luckly Orly dries very fast so it was no problem. =)
Warm, springy morning, birds singing in the background, coffee and chit-chatting with my mom in our fav cafe was pure joy and beauty of life.
Hope you enjoyed the pics and the outfit.
Kisess, Mancina
Če sem iskrena, sem mislila da bo to eden od lakov, ki ga ne bom nikoli niti probala. V steklenički izgleda ok - modra z nastotine holografskimi bleščicami, ko pa ga naneseš na notht je popolnima prosojen in voden. Lak po sicer 4ih plasteh na sončku pokaže svojo zapeljivo plat. Jelly finiš z bleščicami holografskega efetkta Tukaj je Melia K501:
I actually didnt thought I would like this nailpolish. In the bottle loks ok, but when applying it it soo sheer and watery. When sun hits it it reveals all its beauty. Tones of holografic sparkles over a light blue slightly jelly base - though I am not a very sparekly tipe of pearson. Here is Melia K501:
V senci zgleda kot svetel spran jeans kar mi je super všeč:
In the shade looks like a light washed denim:
I actually didnt thought I would like this nailpolish. In the bottle loks ok, but when applying it it soo sheer and watery. When sun hits it it reveals all its beauty. Tones of holografic sparkles over a light blue slightly jelly base - though I am not a very sparekly tipe of pearson. Here is Melia K501:
V senci zgleda kot svetel spran jeans kar mi je super všeč:
In the shade looks like a light washed denim:
I guess this posts tittle is goin to be my moto for this years spring! =)
Well ... probably all the world is having this crazy obsession with pastels, bright neon colors, floral print, polkadots, stripes ... at the moment, but I LOOOVE it too. It makes me happy, it makes the world even more wonderful and what can I say ... I don't mind everyone having this hype around this years trend, as long as I am feeling amazing wearing it too! =)
Vem, da sem ta lak že enkrat objavila, ampak ker sem ga tokrat poškljocnila na sončku in so fotke čisto drugačne kot v starem postu, sem se ga odločila vseeno deliti z vami. Nažalost je lak bil umaknjen iz prodaje, ampak pomoje se ga da še kje najt. OPI parlez vous OPI?
I know that I posted this beauty but it was a while ago and todays pics were taken on the sun, which makes a differance with the old post so I decided to share it again. Sadly OPI discontinued but I guess you can still find it somewhere. OPI parlez vous OPI?
Rabila sem dve tanki plasti.
I needed two thin coats.
I know that I posted this beauty but it was a while ago and todays pics were taken on the sun, which makes a differance with the old post so I decided to share it again. Sadly OPI discontinued but I guess you can still find it somewhere. OPI parlez vous OPI?
Rabila sem dve tanki plasti.
I needed two thin coats.
Yes! Skinny pants and pistol boots are my best friends! =) If I could, I would have them in every single color and I am sure I wouldn't get bored of them ... ever! And I actually hope you dont get bored of this combination either, couse its just who I am and what I like to wear. And in the end this is all that matters when it comes to personal style right? =)
In my opinion accessories are the ones that make an outfit different/great. And todays outfits "star" were obviously the leopard bag and chunky wooden necklace. And my new hair elastic. =)
Prav smešna sem si, kako vedno dobim miljion idej glede manikur, ko s prehladom obtičim v postelji. In ravno zato, sem se odločila da bodo moji nohti super živih barv, da se čimprej pozdravim. Evo tukaj je moja azteško navdahnjena manikura: =)
Its funny how I become more creative with nail designs when I get ill and am stuck in bed, have all day long of doing nothing besides sleeping. I decided my nails to be super bright and fun so ill get better sooner. =) Here is my aztek inspired manicure:
I used China Glaze Papaya Punch as a base.
And bright Zoya Robyn for nail tips.
Its funny how I become more creative with nail designs when I get ill and am stuck in bed, have all day long of doing nothing besides sleeping. I decided my nails to be super bright and fun so ill get better sooner. =) Here is my aztek inspired manicure:
I used China Glaze Papaya Punch as a base.
And bright Zoya Robyn for nail tips.
Are you curious which item from my prevous post I am goin to show you first? =) Well let me first tell you, I had a serious truble with that question myself aswell, but finally I decided to go with electric blue pants first, combined with pale powdery pink and black. What do you say?
Wanna see my nailpolish? Click here to go to my bblog. =)
The graphite says Someone loves you in my, slovenian language...
Wanna see my nailpolish? Click here to go to my bblog. =)
The graphite says Someone loves you in my, slovenian language...
Priznam, ko pride do mint barveso mi všeč vsi možni odtenki, kar pomeni da bi tudi vse imela. ;) No tukaj je moja kolekcija pepermintkov do tega trenutka.
I admit I like every single shade, when it comes to mint color, so there fore I have would like to have as many as possible of it. Wanna see my mint collection so far? here it is.
In za krasen začetek tedna, sem se odločila za najsvetlejšega iz moje zbirke, ki ima subtilen srebrn shimmer. Nažalost je lak res redek, zato sem najprej nanesla 1 plast belega OPI za podlago, nato pa 3 plasti tega lepotca. Hvala bogu za OPI Drip dry kapljice! =) No kakorkoli, mislim da se je splačalo čakati. =)
To start this wonderful week, I decided for the palest in my collection, with a slight silvery shimmer in it. Sadly its really sheer, so I hade to apply one coat of white OPI nailpolish for base, and three thin layers of this one. Tnx god for OPI drip dry. =) But at the end it was worth it!
I admit I like every single shade, when it comes to mint color, so there fore I have would like to have as many as possible of it. Wanna see my mint collection so far? here it is.
L-R: ChG For Audrey, ChG Kinetic Candy, Melia N575, Orly Ancient Jade
In za krasen začetek tedna, sem se odločila za najsvetlejšega iz moje zbirke, ki ima subtilen srebrn shimmer. Nažalost je lak res redek, zato sem najprej nanesla 1 plast belega OPI za podlago, nato pa 3 plasti tega lepotca. Hvala bogu za OPI Drip dry kapljice! =) No kakorkoli, mislim da se je splačalo čakati. =)
To start this wonderful week, I decided for the palest in my collection, with a slight silvery shimmer in it. Sadly its really sheer, so I hade to apply one coat of white OPI nailpolish for base, and three thin layers of this one. Tnx god for OPI drip dry. =) But at the end it was worth it!
Biti obseden z laki za nohte in delati v okolju, kjer se pričakuje da so tvoji nohti v naravnih odtenkih ali celo ne nalakirani, priznam je bilo zame na začetku zelo težko. Ampak s časom sem se mogla privadit in seveda si nisem imela kaj, kot da sem svojo zbirko začela širiti še v naravne odtenke. Tokrat skoraj neopazna, a še vedno prisotna... Zoya Ellen.
Rahlo obarvan rozaoranžkast odtenek, na fotkah pa je nanešena le ena plast.
Its a lightly pinkyorange colored nailpolish and on the pics I have only one coat. I think it looks lovely.
Mint is definately the It color for this spring and summer. For me at least! But while I am in a hunt for something new in this color, couse I just have to have something new ;) I am completely satisfied with my mint jenas, that I have for yearsss! Let the spring begin I am ready! =)