
Pale Silvery mint

March 13, 2012

Priznam, ko pride do mint barveso mi všeč vsi možni odtenki, kar pomeni da bi tudi vse imela. ;) No tukaj je moja kolekcija pepermintkov do tega trenutka.

I admit I like every single shade, when it comes to mint color, so there fore I have would like to have as many as possible of it. Wanna see my mint collection so far? here it is.

L-R: ChG For Audrey, ChG Kinetic Candy, Melia N575, Orly Ancient Jade

In za krasen začetek tedna, sem se odločila za najsvetlejšega iz moje zbirke, ki ima subtilen srebrn shimmer. Nažalost je lak res redek, zato sem najprej nanesla 1 plast belega OPI za podlago, nato pa 3 plasti tega lepotca. Hvala bogu za OPI Drip dry kapljice! =) No kakorkoli, mislim da se je splačalo čakati. =)

To start this wonderful week, I decided for the palest in my collection, with a slight silvery shimmer in it. Sadly its really sheer, so I hade to apply one coat of white OPI nailpolish for base, and three thin layers of this one. Tnx god for OPI drip dry. =) But at the end it was worth it!

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