V prvem planu je bilo, da bo manikura pikčasta, a nisem želela pretiravat saj sem bila danes že oblečena v pikice. Uporabila sem Chloe-ino tehniko in vem, da jo ona naredi do potankosti prefektno, a recimo da mi je za prvič Ok uspelo ... =)
Nalakirala sem 3 sloje ChG Pool Partya, ki se izredno hitro suši saj je mat. Za meni bolj všečen glossy finiš pa sem čez nanesla še topcoat, na prstancu pa sem uporabila neznani Manhattan creamy siv lak.
Since I wore polka dots today I did't want to exaggerate and did my pattern on my finger with stripes (first plan was to make dots instead). Of course we all know that Chloe makes this much better and perfect, but lets say that I did it Ok ... For the first time =)
I used NEON pink Pool Party and applyed 3 coats. It dries verry quickly and leaves a matte finish but I applyed topcoat over it to make it glossy. On my ring finger I applyed Manhatten creamy grey nailpolish.
Nalakirala sem 3 sloje ChG Pool Partya, ki se izredno hitro suši saj je mat. Za meni bolj všečen glossy finiš pa sem čez nanesla še topcoat, na prstancu pa sem uporabila neznani Manhattan creamy siv lak.
Since I wore polka dots today I did't want to exaggerate and did my pattern on my finger with stripes (first plan was to make dots instead). Of course we all know that Chloe makes this much better and perfect, but lets say that I did it Ok ... For the first time =)
I used NEON pink Pool Party and applyed 3 coats. It dries verry quickly and leaves a matte finish but I applyed topcoat over it to make it glossy. On my ring finger I applyed Manhatten creamy grey nailpolish.