Včeraj je bil res prelep dan. Jesensko toplo sonce me je grelo medtem ko sem grabila odpadlo listje in se navduševala nad barvitostjo, ki jo narava premore vsako jesen. Ko sem prišla v hišo, sem bila pod takim vplivom vseh teh barv, da sem se odločila narediti makeup. Še slikica izpred naše terase:
It was such beautuful day yesterday. The sun was shining and I was snatching leaves infront of our house and was beeing amazed by all this colors nature creates every fall.. All this colors made such impresion on me that I decided to create a makeup look combined with all colors I was admiring at.. Here is the picture taken in front of our terrace:
MAC soft brown (crease)
MAC vanila (under browbone)
MAC humid and sumptous olive
ZARA olive green eyeshadow pencil (waterline)
S-he quick eye styler (upper lid)
In še moja nova pridobitev Catrice lak From Dusk Till Dawn.. vem še en taupe, ampak si res ne morem pomagati =)
And my new nailpolish Catrice From Dusk Till Dawn.. another taupe I know.. but I just can't help myself =)
It was such beautuful day yesterday. The sun was shining and I was snatching leaves infront of our house and was beeing amazed by all this colors nature creates every fall.. All this colors made such impresion on me that I decided to create a makeup look combined with all colors I was admiring at.. Here is the picture taken in front of our terrace:
The makeup look was created with:
Gosh pigment in gold gate (inner corner)
3 orange shades from CS 88 pallette (over the entire lid)
MAC melon pigment (center of the lid for some bling bling)
MAC mulch and red eyeshadow (outer corner)MAC soft brown (crease)
MAC vanila (under browbone)
MAC humid and sumptous olive
ZARA olive green eyeshadow pencil (waterline)
S-he quick eye styler (upper lid)
In še moja nova pridobitev Catrice lak From Dusk Till Dawn.. vem še en taupe, ampak si res ne morem pomagati =)
And my new nailpolish Catrice From Dusk Till Dawn.. another taupe I know.. but I just can't help myself =)