Že več kot mesec se nisem nič oglasila, vendar sva s fantom ravno prišla nazaj z roadtripa, ki je trajal skoraj mesec in končno sem si odtrgala nekaj časa za moj blogec =) Na poti sem pridna nabirala stvari, ki se jih pri nas ne da nabaviti in ker vem da vse uživamo ob gledanju 'haul-ov', sem se odločila da tega delim z vami =)
I know there has't been any new post from me for over a month now. But i've been with my BF on almost a month long trip, where I baught lots of new stuff I wated for a while now, and are not reachable in Slovenia. I know that we all love to watch hauls, so here is a picture of my recent one: =)
In ker je moja ljubezen do kakršnihkoli taupe odtenkov nezimerna, je bil vintage grey prvi na mojih nohtih. Kaj pravite nanj?
And since i looove all- from darker to lighter taupe shades, nailpolish vintage grey was the first one to try it out. I loove it <3 what do you think?
I know there has't been any new post from me for over a month now. But i've been with my BF on almost a month long trip, where I baught lots of new stuff I wated for a while now, and are not reachable in Slovenia. I know that we all love to watch hauls, so here is a picture of my recent one: =)
In ker je moja ljubezen do kakršnihkoli taupe odtenkov nezimerna, je bil vintage grey prvi na mojih nohtih. Kaj pravite nanj?
And since i looove all- from darker to lighter taupe shades, nailpolish vintage grey was the first one to try it out. I loove it <3 what do you think?