Spomnim se, da je nekaj let nazaj moja najboljša prijateljica imela živo - skoraj fuksija pink lak, s krasnim modrim shimmrom. Res sem bila popolnoma navdušena nad njim, ampak na mojo žalost ga nikjer nisem našla, niti njemu podobnega ne. Do nekaj dni nazaj!! Ah čisto sem navdušena in sploh ne pomnim, kdaj sem nazadnje od navdušenja imela kar trikrat zapored isti lak na rokah. hihi OPI - Pompeii Purple je ta lepotec:
I remember a few years ago my best girlfriend had this nailpolish. It was a bright fuschia pink, with blue shimmer. I was inlove with that color, but just couldn't find it anywhere. At least nothing was like the color I wanted. But now I found it!!! Me beeing soo happy =) and I can't reeven member when I I was wearing the same nail color for three times in a row the last time. =) OPI - Pompeii Purple it is, need two coats and its beyond amazing. =)
na sončku:
on the sun:
Če želiš, klikni tukaj in poglej kaj sem imela oblečeno ko sem imela na rokah tega lepotca.
If you are curious what I was wearing with it, click here.
In ker sem bila pri sestri, sem morala sporbat še Orly Bubbly Bombshel in pristal je na prstancu:
And I needed to try out siss Orly Bubbly Bombshel, so I puted on my ringfinger:
I remember a few years ago my best girlfriend had this nailpolish. It was a bright fuschia pink, with blue shimmer. I was inlove with that color, but just couldn't find it anywhere. At least nothing was like the color I wanted. But now I found it!!! Me beeing soo happy =) and I can't reeven member when I I was wearing the same nail color for three times in a row the last time. =) OPI - Pompeii Purple it is, need two coats and its beyond amazing. =)
na sončku:
on the sun:
Če želiš, klikni tukaj in poglej kaj sem imela oblečeno ko sem imela na rokah tega lepotca.
If you are curious what I was wearing with it, click here.
In ker sem bila pri sestri, sem morala sporbat še Orly Bubbly Bombshel in pristal je na prstancu:
And I needed to try out siss Orly Bubbly Bombshel, so I puted on my ringfinger: