
By the lake

June 28, 2011

Hello lovelies, this time again pictures were taken by the lake near my sis's house. I guess we have a little tradition, that everytime I am staying at their place, we are going for a morning coffee there. =)
Anyway todays weather was sooo hot, that shorts were a must, and even the sheerest tank I could find was to much. ;)

I really love the nature here and the lake itself has such amazing green color and everywhere you look there are swans ... This amazing creatures, are so sleek and amazing to watch. We even saw a little grey swan yesterday, and it was so freakn cute. =)

 Look at the little swan and his mom I guess ... =)

For my nailpolish click here.

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8 komentarji

  1. js bi tudi takšno postavo, da lahko oblečem kratke hlače :) Drugače pa super outfit!

  2. you look great! your shoes are so pretty!

    kisses from La Mode En Rose = )

  3. Manca huda si <3 Se strinjam s Sanjo, jaz bi tudi takšno postavo :(

  4. O, kak so lepe balerinke!

    Mir in ljubezen!

  5. @sanja hvala ;)
    @LMER they really are soo amazing, I am glad I bought them when being in London =))
    @Ana joj hvala, mi je kr mal nerodn od takih komplimentov =)
    @beba hihi res so ane =))

  6. Oooo, tak dolgi komentar sem napisala, pa ma potem blogger neko napako. :S Grrrrr.

    Torej, rekla sem, da so mi zelo všeč balerinke in ta rožni vzorec, ti vzorci na dodatkih zelo lepo popestrijo...in ta prosojna majčka mi je tudi res všeč. :)) Pa da ga ni čez kratke hlače v teh toplih mesecih, je pa obleč kopalke še boljš. :D Pa da maš reeees hudo postavo! :))

  7. Super izgledas! Pohvalim celoten look, ki je itak brezhiben!


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