Nina Tomažin collection

June 01, 2011

I attended a two days event last weekend, where young designers had their own fashion shows in Ajdovščina, showing their creations.
The collections were amazing, and I was blown away by the creativity and freshness, designes and materials combined together ... I am not sure about posting collections of all the designers, but here is the first one:

Since I allready mentioned that I am crazy about white this summer, I will start of with collection of a young designer Nina Tomažin. Her collection was in white and nude colors, with soft materials combined with fabric like sackcloth and leather and amazing jewlery made with bronze and wrope. Take a look ;)

Fotos by Jasna Furlan

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5 komentarji

  1. Uauuuuu, prekrasna si!! :D Sem lih 2 dni nazaj brskala po slikah Neje Colja na FB in sem te vidla na enih! :) Nisem vedela, da se ukvarjaš s temi stvarmi, je pa super, res že izgledaš manekenski tip...krasno. :)

  2. ja hvala kaj nj rečm. =)
    Sj nekak nism hotela tega izpostavlat, ampak se mi zdi, da če sem že bla na reviji, kjer so ble noro dobre stvari, bi blo škoda to izpustit. =)

  3. Oufit, ki ga nosiš mi je najlepši. Samo jaz ne bi dala visokih pet zraven...ampak to tako ni tvoja izbira :) Lepa si <3

  4. Uffff čudovita - ti in kolekcija :)

  5. @Ana po pravici je moj outfit tudi meni bil med ljubšimi, čeprav so mi tudi vsi ostali top. Čisto moje barve in design.. ahh <3
    @Ff jaa se strinjam in hvala hihi =)


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