

November 05, 2016

A lot of people still think that wearing a leo print means having a bad/tacky fashion taste, whereas in contrary I believe animal prints are one of the most beautiful things nature has provided us to admire. They upgrade your style in the most unique way possible and its just a matter of combining it with other subtle pieces - to avoid tackiness.
Today's outfit is probably the chic-est you can get on Mancinasspot. And since I have opted for heels instead of my beloved boots, I had to bring some edgy-ness to this chic silk leo dress with other pieces in order to "stay true to myself." So I have combined it with a turtleneck, cinched it with a belt and added skinny zipped leather lookin' trousers underneath, to blur the lines of the elegance, that the dress gives. What do you guys think?

Fashion tip:
Today's outfit is my way to show you how the chic-est possible dress can be worn in a very edgy way. We all know how this dress would look if I would combine it with a classic black blazer, black tights and some heels, right? But to make it trendy, youthful and unique, ditch the tights and wear a turtleneck under it, instead of your blazer ... and voila! :)

Dandanes še vedno ogromno ljudi povezuje leopardji vzorec s slabim modnim okusom, medtem ko sem sama prepričana, da so živalski vzorci nekaj najlepšega, kar je narava ustvarila. Vprašanje je le pravega kombiniranja vzorca z drugimi subtilnimi kosi, zato da se izognemo morebitnemu "cenenemu" izgledu.
Današnji outfit je zagotovo najbolj "eleganten," kar ga lahko premorem na Mancinasspot. Tokrat sem namesto mojih ljubih motorističnih škornjev izbrala pete, zato pa sem s hlačami v videzu usnja, pulijem in prepasano obleko poskrbela za malce več robustnosti in ostrine, ter tako zabrisala linije elegance, ki jih daje obleka. 

Modni nasvet:
Prepričana sem, da si vse znamo predstavljati, kako bi ta svilena obleka izgledala s klasičnim suknjičem in hlačnimi nogavicami, kajne? Zato pa sem danes ustvarila styling, s katerimi sem želela pokazati, kako lahko elegantni obleki, z le nekaj triki, ustvarimo popolnoma nov, unikaten, trendi in igriv videz. Zato, ko bo prilika prava, odvrzite suknjič, ter ga zamenjajte s pulijem, ter namesto hlačnih nogavic oblecite raje ozke hlače pod njo! :)

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3 komentarji

  1. I love this look , such a cool way to wear leo print dress over the pants , this is my understanding of personal style ...
    also check out my blog



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