

November 10, 2016

People usually come to me and tell me how stressful it is for them to decide what to wear in the morning. What usually happens is they would - after a short breakdown - put on the same thing as they did the day before and rush to work.
I truly believe that everyone should have their own "uniform" for days like that, so you can avoid the possibility of stress. And you know what... today's outfit is my "uniform!" :)

Fashion tip:
"But what do you mean a fashion uniform?" you might ask :) By creating your own uniform I simply mean creating an outfit, that is going to be your guard for the day. An outfit that you feel the most comfortable in, the most confident, ... an outfit that represents YOU!
And it will always be there for you, especially when you are in a morning rush and don't know what to wear - just pick your UNIFORM! :)

Ljudje mi pogosto potarnajo o groznem stresu jutranjega izbora oblačil. Navadno le-ta povzroči kar nekaj slabe volje, manjši živčni zlom ... najpogosteje pa se zgodi, da potem na hitro pograbimo oblačila prejšnjega dne in odhitimo skozi vrata ... 
Sama sem velika zagovornica kreiranja uniforme za vsakega posameznika, ki prepreči jutranje krize v omari. In, veste kaj? Današnja objava je moja "uniforma!"

Modni nasvet:
"Ampak kaj misliš s tem - kreiraj svojo uniformo?" se zagotovo sprašujete. Pod uniformo si predstavljam outfit, ki je narejen čisto in izključno po tvoji meri. Outfit, v katerem se najbolje počutiš, v katerem izžarevaš največ samozavesti in outfit, ki izžareva TEBE! Ta uniforma, naj te čaka v omari za tista živčna jutra! :)

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