November 15, 2016I realised today that I didn't do none of that this time. I utterly loved the outfit but then - I have to be honest - I had a hard time writing content. I had no idea what to talk about.
What do I want to tell you with this look? What is my fashion tip?
Hm. Well apart from including a few biggest trends of the season (a metallic coat, tulle, leopard print), this look carries a bigger message and I think I didn't really talk about it on Mancinasspot, yet.
You see... my outfits's aren't here to encourage you to go out and buy everything! They are about finding yourself in the sea of styling's and translating it to your own style. I hope my fashion tips will help you find your style and guide you through endless fashion "must haves." And that you'll find the one that suits you the most! 😃
Ko pripravljam vsebino za Mancinasspot se vedno najprej vprašam, kaj vam tokrat želim sporočiti z outfitom, ki ga nosim in s katerim modnim nasvetom vam lahko postrežem tokrat.
Danes pa sem se zavedla, da se tega vprašanja tokrat nisem vprašala, enostavno sem le "začutila" tale styling in sem si ga zaželela podeliti z vami. Vseeno pa sem si kar nekaj časa razbijala glavo, ko je prišel čas za pisanje te objave... Kaj naj vam tokrat sploh povem?
Poleg tega, da outfit vsebuje kar nekaj najbolj vročih modnih trendov (metalična jakna, til in leopardji vzorec), mislim, da je danes čas, da spregovorim o nečem bolj pomembnem, o čemer še nisem govorila na Mancinasspot.
Želela bi si poudariti, da stylingi, ki jih ustvarjam na mojem blogu, niso tukaj za to, da vas spodbujam v brezglavo potrošnjo. Moji stylingi in modni nasvetu so tukaj za to, da se lahko v morju idej najdete v tistem, kar odgovarja izključno vam, ne glede na vse modne trende, ki brnijo okoli nas. Da se ne izgubite v poplavi sezonskih "must-have" kosov in lepo počasi izoblikujete SVOJ modni stil.
3 komentarji
You look amazing! I have the same problem sometimes about coming up with something substantial to say. I just always remind myself to tell a story :)
You look great!
I love your post.