

April 03, 2016

According to Pantone (company which takes care or the color systems and also annually declares "the color of the year") blush pink or the so called Rose quartz is the color of 2016 besides Serenity - which is the baby blue one. Yes you heard me right, with an exception 2016 has two official colours of the year! =)
I didnt want to make it too obvious and combine both colors in one outfit right away (although I cant say I wont do it in the future, hihi) but I did play around with the blush pink one, and included three quite big trends of this spring.

Fashion tip for the upcoming spring:
1. Lets face it, bomber jacket is that ONE item fashion world is mad about at the moment. It can dress down the most classy look and bring that edgy vibe to it.
2. Camisole over a T-shirt is the chic way to bring the most casual T-shirt to another level. And its quite practical for those chilly spring days too.
3. High top sneakers can't go out of style, to be honest, but when Missoni brought them on the runway for ss16 I was head over heels about that.
Pantone (organizacija, ki skrbi za barvne sisteme in med drugim razglasi barvo leta) je za barvo leta 2016 razglasil ne le eno, temveč kar dve barvi - umazano roza oz. Rose quartz, ter pastelno modro Serenity. Barvi, ki kar kričita pomlad, kajne?
Pomladni outfit v obeh barvah bom raje prihranila za kak drug dan, danes pa vam predstavljam tri velike modne trende te sezone. Katere?

Modni nasvet:
1. Bomber Jakna! Tisti kos garderobe, ki ne sme manjkati v omari to sezono in ki je bil na udaru svetovne modne smetane na mesecu mode. In čeprav je izjemno športen kos, je odličen ob izjemno chic garderobi in za sproščen vikend izgled v kavbojkah. =)
2. Spodnja majica preko navadne majice je odličen način, da romantični čipki dodaš malo bolj priložnosten videz, navadno majico pod njo pa odlično popestriš. Pa še praktično je, saj so hladni dnevi za čipko še daleč.
2. Visoke superge so sicer res večni kos garderobe, Missoni pa je praktično vso kolekcijo skombiniral z njimi, kar me je popolnoma navdušilo. Klik.
Bomber jakna Mango, City park

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11 komentarji

  1. What a pretty jacket! Pink suits you so much dear! <3

  2. in love with your jacket! Love it ! http://www.fashionnarcissism.com/

  3. Great inspiration and bomber hun x

    Annie Dago
    Head Enough

  4. yes I am loving some pink tones as well x

  5. That bomber jacket is amazing! Pink looks good on you!

  6. So glad the pantones of the year are colours I love & go really well together! Love the colour on the bomber jacket, it looks gorgeous on you. Can’t wait for that outfit when you combine the two colours together.


  7. Lovely color, girly and nice :) Bonjour from France, Sand.


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