

April 07, 2016

Denim will never go out of style. It's timeless and it goes with anything you can think of. Regardless of her age, a woman always looks stylish wearing denim and I believe we all agree on that, right? =)
Still, I find it funny, that every year we can see headlines talking about denim as something "new."
I don't remember it going out of style in the first place, hihi.

Here is an all-denim look from our little getaway at the seaside, where comfort was my main concern. I put a striped dress over my distressed cropped pants and finally picked up my lace-up flats.
I've stuck to all-denim outfits for as long as I can remember - click to see how I styled an all-denim look 3 years ago

Fashion Tip:
Cropped jeans with distressed hemming are a big trend at the moment. Despite the fact that I've got a love-hate relationship with them, I managed to find the ones that are quite flattering on my body. Cropped jeans usually make your legs seem shorter, which nobody really wants, right? =) Besides picking trousers with higher wais, here are some tricks I like to do, when dealing with cropped trousers.
Tuck my shirt in an asymmetrical line into the pants and wear the same colored jacket. This way everything blends nicely. =)

Denim je večen, brezčasen, ter odlično sodeluje s katerimkoli stilom. Ne glede na starost, je tisti, v katerem ženska vedno izgleda modno urejena. Se kdo ne strinja? :)
Vseeno pa se vsako leto znova rada nasmejim naslovnim vrsticam, ki pompozno napovedujejo denim-u veliki "comeback." Ne spomnim se, kdaj točno je sploh šel iz mode? hihi

Današnji ležerni look je bil kot nalašč za kratek pobeg na morje. Udobje je bilo na prvem mestu, zato sem skombinirala poletno črtasto oblekico z raztrganimi hlačami in končno obula moje ljube balerinke, ki se zavežejo preko narta in so velik hit že od lanske sezone.
Klik, če želite videti styling izpred treh let, kako sem skombinirala "all-denim look" takrat. 

Fashion tip:
Kavbojke z zvonastimi hlačnicami, ki se končajo nad gležnji, imajo raztrgan in ne zarobljen rob, so trenutno velik hit. Sama priznam, da se nikakor ne morem opredeliti ali so mi všeč ali ne, saj v večini primerov neposrečeno skrajšajo noge - kar pa si nobena od nas ne želi, kajne? No, poleg tega, da morajo hlače imeti višji pas, rada naredim še nekaj dodatnih trikov, da dodobra ukanim iluzijo "kratkih nog" v hlačah s prekratkimi hlačnicami...
Majico navadno asimetrično zataknem za hlače, preko ramen pa si nadenem jakno v podobni barvi, kot so hlače. Tako ni pregrobih linij ter se vse lepo zlije v celoto.

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11 komentarji

  1. Amazing photos! Very professional ... I like this outfit!!

    New Post-> http://www.modidimoda-mapi.blogspot.it/2016/03/ho-capito-imparato-deciso.html

  2. Loving this casual sunday look babe! Denim jackets are always the best xx

    I've recently done a collaboration post with Australian jewellery designer Samantha Wills and her new eyewear collection that I would love to hear your feedback for! Let me know your thoughts hun!

    Sending you kisses from Sydney.


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