

July 17, 2017

I'm in love with long dresses. I also really like gingham and fancy a pop of red to the outfit.
With that being said the equation of "Should I buy the dress"? was solved relatively fast and the dress is now mine.
Why was I hesitant about buyinginit in the first place, is a mystery I will never resolve tho...
But after I actually got it, I was so eager to wear it not even a heat wave stopped - God save my soul! In my defense I unbuttoned it as much as I could and comforted myself with "it's made out of cotton" excuse.
But there is one thing you should know about this particular type of a dress that might come handy to you - the dress is without a doubt that piecewhich always saves "I have nothing to wear" moment. Just cinch the waist with a belt to emphasize your waist, put on some lipstick and summer sandal and you are good to go. In a snap!
As far as wearing it during the hottest of days - maybe not the smartest option, unless is sleeveless!

Obožujem obleke do tal. Prav tako imam zelo rada gingam vzorec in outfite, kjer je rdeča tista barva, ki doda piko na i.
Z vsem povedanim, bi izračun pri enačbi "Ali naj kupim to obleko?" pravzaprav bil popolnoma preprost in obleka bi bila na blagajni v trenutku. Zakaj sem za nekaj trenutkov celo oklevala, pa je uganka, ki je še do danes nisem razvozlala. Kakorkoli, obleka je sedaj moja!

In po teh nekaj stresnih momentih ali jo naj vzamem ali ne, me niti vročinski val ni ustavil pred tem, da jo dejansko oblečem - kot pravijo, samo bog mi lahko pomaga. Saj vem!
V svojo obrambo lahko povem, da sem jo odpela kolikor se jo je dalo in se zgovarjala na to, da je bombažna.
Kakorkoli, preživela sem, je pa tip obleke tisti, ki bi mogoče prišel prav tudi tebi, ko te zjutraj obsede "nimam nič za oblečt" panika. Preprosto je super imeti nekaj takega v omari, si okrog pasu zapeti pas, ki ti še malo poudari ozek pas, rdeča šminka in poletni sandali in že lahko letiš skozi vrata!
V kolikor ima dolge rokave kot moja, pa mogoče vseeno spusti dneve ker je vročina pasja! ;)

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6 komentarji

  1. I love these pictures, they are so pretty!

  2. Oh my! You look gorgeous wearing this dress! And pictures are wonderful!

    Margo Raffaelli

  3. Moram vprašati, ali je obleka iz Diffusione Tessile, ker sem tam probala podobno in zdaj mi je žal, da je nisem kupila, ker zgleda božansko :)


    1. Brigita ne, tale obleka je iz Zare iz poletne kolekcije, se pa zagotovo podobne še kje najde, ker je tale stil bil letos zelo trendi. :)

      Lp, M

  4. A res? Nisem je opazila tam... Hvala za info :)


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