April 23, 2017
Pyjama top - Women'secret
foto by Manca Kocjancic
We all know those lazy days when you hardly crawl out of bed and want to stay in my PJs for the rest of the day, right? I had one of those days this past weekend, but I managed to put myself "in order", put some springy colors to boost my energy and went for a shameless ice cream stroll around town in my silky Women'secret PJs. And you know what, I had a perfect, comfy day indeed. :D
Wearing pyjamas outside of the house trend has been going on for quite some time now and I believe it's one of the most "love-hate" trends at the moment. While most fashionistas wear full pyjamas set all at once, I wanted to style it in a way this trend would actually work for every day as well- not looking like you just stepped out of editorial. So I decided to style only top part of my Women'secret pyjamas and it all made a perfect sense why this trend is so lovable. This top just makes the whole outfit so much more fun than as if I were to wear a classic shirt, while in combination with denim pants creates a perfect balance of lux and casual-chic. Love it!
Poznaš tiste lenobne dneve, ko se komaj skotališ iz postelje in bi preostanek dneva najraje preživela v pižami? Vikend, ki je za nami je bil zame točno tak. Vseeno sem se nekako spravila "v red", pižamo pa sem vseeno obdržala kar na sebi. Tokrat sem se odela v pomladne barve za nekaj dodatne energije in brez sramu odpravila v mesto na sladoled kar v moji novi Women'secret pižami. In ja,super udoben dan je za mano. :D
Modni nasvet:
Pižama trend se vije po ulicah že kar nekaj časa in prepričana sem, da je eden tistih trendov, ki ga ali ljubiš ali pa sovražiš. Bližnjic ni. Večina modnih navdušenk se sicer v svilene pižame oblači od glave do pete, jaz pa sem tokrat z njo želela ustvariti nosljiv styling in ne, kot da si ravno stopila iz editoriala iz kakšne revije. Zato sem uporabila samo zgornji del pižame in o ja, šele sedaj razumem zakaj je trend tako zelo popularen. Satenasta pižama je končnemu videzu dodala tisto modno piko na i in naredila styling bolj zabaven, kot bi bil če bi imela oblečeno običajno srajco. Pravtako, pa saten v kombinaciji z jeansom ustvari ravno pravo ravnotežje med eleganco in vsakdanjim videzom.Narjen! ;)
4 komentarji
Yesss pink lady! I love the way you styled this pj shirt and your hair looks so cool, inspired :)
ReplyDeleteTake care,
Daniella xox
the color of the coat is so amazing!!
You are stunning!!!! Really love this look
Mónica Sors
Truly love this outfit and post!