

February 26, 2017

Photos by Anne Lise Ramooloo

First of all Im sorry for the spam of so many pics, I had hard picking the best ones so I gave up and went for few more than usual. Eeek :)
Also, I'm thinking about convincing AneeLise to move here and starts working with me! hihi Isn't her photography great?!
Joke aside, I feel like today's feature is one of those when everything just fits into place and I simply love it.

Fashion tip:
Sheer lace dresses can be such a staple piece, that give uniqueness to the outfit, make it interesting but it can also over-power everything else you are wearing. Which is why I chose my golden dress to be the eye candy and made everything else very subtle.
So I've styled it over black a turtleneck and ripped jeans - so the dress popped out. Cinched it at the waist to make some curves but also to match the belt with the shoes and matched a burgundy bag with it as well.

Najprej se moram opravičiti za večje število fotografij kot običajno, saj tokrat nikakor nisem uspela izluščiti le nekaj najboljših, zato sem na koncu izbrala malo več posnetkov. :)
Vseeno pa se vse bolj spogledujem z idejo, da AnneLise nekako prepričam, da se preseli sem in prične ustvarjati z mano. hihi Njen občutek za fotografijo me je čisto navdušil! :)
Ok, če postavim šalo na stran, je pri današnji objavi očitno bil tisti moment, ko se je vse skupaj postavilo na mesto in je nastala še ena krasna objava, ki mi je zares všeč.

Modni nasvet:
Čipkaste obleke so od vedno bile krasen modni kos, ki celotnemu izgledu doda unikatnost, obenem pa lahko popolnoma prevlada. Zato sem današnjo "zlato lepotico" skombinirala s črnim pulijem in raztrganimi črnimi kavbojkami - tako je obleka lahko zares zažarela in je vsa pozornost na njej. V pasu sem jo prepasala s pasom ter tako ustvarila nekaj oblin, obenem pa se pas ujema še s čevlji, kot to rada naredim. Za barvno piko na i sem kombinirala še torbico v barvah obleke.

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4 komentarji

  1. That jacket is everything xx


  2. Beautiful layered look!

    xx Nicole

  3. This is a great look! I love that frayed everything is in right now. Gives an edgier spin on staple pieces. Access the deep web Best Questions to ask a girl watch free movies online Sports Streaming sites


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