January 25, 2017Guys I'm finally back, and I can't even tell you how much I missed creating content for Mancina's spot. If you follow me on IGstories than you know I have injured my hand and wasn't able to do much for quite some time apart from resting. Now I feel much better and am excited to be back!
And since we are dealing with a polar cold in Slovenia, I have decided to bring out the puffiest jacket I own and make the best chic, yet warm outfit.
Fun fact- Do you know that I own this puffy jacket since my 5th grade (age: 11)! And with the ongoing patent and puffy jackets trend, I figured now is the best time to grab it out of the closet and bring some trendiness but also some nostalgia to this cold days.
Fashion tip:
I know majority is still convinced puffy jackets are appropriate only for ski slopes. I, the most freezing person on the planet, in contrary believe they are life saviors when the cold hits and are a fun yet very practical for winet. With that being said, I put all my believes in styling tricks, to make puffy jackets look great even for an ordinary day in town.
I like to keep a color pallette very simple and outfit very minimal, so the puffy jacket has all the attention and it doesnt get too much of everything. Today I have decided to go all black and matched the jacket with patent heels to bring some chic vibe to the outfit, and voila. No signs of skiing attire whatsoever, right? :))
Dragi moji, končno sem nazaj in zagotovo si ne predstavljate, kako zelo sem že pogrešala ustvarjanje vsebin za Mancina's spot. Tisti, ki mi sledite na IGstories veste, da sem imela poškodovano roko, zaradi česar sem se bila prisiljena za nekaj časa morala umakniti. Sedaj sem se navdušeno veselim, da se modno ustvarjanje lahko prične! :)
Zadnje tedne se vsi šibimo pod polarnim mrazom, kar me je prisililo, da sem se zakopala v omaro in iz nje potegnila najtoplejšo in navečjo puhovko kar jih premore moja omara.
Vam povem nekaj zanimivega? Bi mi verjeli, da imam to puhovko že od svojega petega razreda OŠ? S tekočim trendom puhovk in sijočega laka, sem se tako odločila da jo končno spet potegnem na plano in v svoj stil vnesem trendi look, a obenem tudi nekaj osnovnošolske nostalgije.
Modni nasvet:
Velika večina je še vedno mnenja, da so puhaste jakne primerne le za na bele strmine, jaz- večna zmrzljivka, pa se upiram temu mitu in sem prepričana v nasprotno. Pravzaprav je potrebnih le nekaj stilskih trikov in tudi puhasta jakna lahko izpade super trendi, tudi na čisto običajen zimski dan v mestu.
Danes sem se odločila, da barvno paleto kot sam styling pripravim zelo nevtralen in minimalističen; tako ima jakna vso svojo pozornost in ni "preveč vsega" naenkrat. Poleg sem se odločila skombinirati lakaste gležnjarje, ter jih na ta način povezala z jakno a s tem modno zaključila styling. In vse sledi o smučarski opravi so zabrisane, se strinjaš? :)
2 komentarji
Love the outfit, you look amazing!
ReplyDeleteGreetings from Chile
You made the puffer jacket so chic love it
ReplyDeleteLife is just Rosie