October 23, 2016

Blazer is that piece in our wardrobe that usually puts an elegant spin to the outfit and I believe it's a must for every woman, regardless of your style. But as much as I would like to think I "need" a black, classic one, I never catch myself searching for it. Instead, I like to have everything else, just not the classic black one. But I will hunt it down some day, I'm sure about that. :D
I went for the b&w houdstooth one this time, which is still pretty "classic" but fun and edgy at the same time.

Fashion tip:
Buying a blazer is probably the hardest thing to do, since there is so many tricks you have to be careful about in order to get the right one. The most important thing is finding the one, that fits your shoulders the best. The sew that combines the sleeve with the blazer's "body"needs to hit the very end of your arm. Not below or before the end of your arm - that is, if you would like the blazer to fit you like a glove.

Suknjič je tisti kos v garderobi, ki našemu izgledu doda elegantno piko na i in za katerega sem prepričana, da ga vsaka ženska potrebuje - ne glede na stil. In čeprav bi se sama najraje prepričala, da "potrebujem" klasičnega, črnega, ga do sedaj pravzaprav še niti začela nisem iskati. Večinoma tako pogledujem za vsem drugim, samo za tisto klasično črnino ne.
Tokrat sem se odločila za klasičen pepita vzorček, zaradi katerega lahko rečem, da daje suknjiču nekoliko klasike, a obenem tudi razigranosti in ostrine. 

Modni nasvet:
Kupovanje suknjiča je zagotovo eno izmed najtežjih, saj zahteva odkljukanih kar nekaj zahtev, da suknjič na telesu stoji kot ulit. Najpomembnejše je, da smo pazljivi, ko pride do ramen. Šiv, ki združuje rokav s "telesom suknjiča," mora namreč zadeti točko, kjer se konča rama - nič prej in nič kasneje - v kolikor želite, da vam je suknjič ulit kot rokavica. ;)

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5 komentarji

  1. Gorgeous photos,

    Lots of love.

  2. You look great dear!




  3. I love these photos , You look awesome dear
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