

September 26, 2016

I believe that having your own style means having statement signature pieces that are going to put your outfit to a whole 'nother level. But it also demands having those "classic/safe" pieces that go with anything, wherever and whenever.
My style is usually a bit edgy and maybe even a bit unusual, but I think we are all on the same page when it comes to some good 'ol classic accessories.

Fashion tip:
With all that being said, I'm obviously not gonna talk about my slip dress nor my Guns N' Roses tee, because I wanna focus on these classic ankle boots and the awesome bucket bag with burgundy inside from Hofer's recent Jette Joop collection. Nice "neutral" accessories are a necessity in every woman's wardrobe. They are simply Evergreens. They are not going to go out of style, maybe they aren't eye-catchers, but they most surely are irreplaceable.
And if this is not fantastic already, I also have to add two more things:
Bucket bags have been one of the hottest items for quite some time now - but this one is sooo gorgeous inside and that makes it even more awesome for fall.
And to elongate your legs even more - these type of ankle boots paired with black jeans are a BIG YAY!

Ko si posameznik izoblikuje svoj značilni stil oblačenja, navadno izbere tistih nekaj kosov garderobe, za katere rada rečem, da kar kričijo posameznikovo ime in izgledu dodajo piko na i. Obenem pa vsak stil zahteva tudi nekaj klasičnih/varnih kosov, ki so primerni v kombinaciji s čimerkoli, kadarkoli in kjerkoli in so tako praktično nujno potrebni v vsaki garderobi. 
Moj osebni stil je velikokrat opisan kot unikaten in celo malce nenavaden, ampak vseeno mislim, da smo vsi na isti valni dolžini, ko gre za tiste stare dobre klasične modne dodatke. 

Modni nasvet:
Tokrat sem v sodelovanje stopila s podjetjem Hofer, za katerega je Jette Joop oblikovala kolekcijo oblačil in dodatkov. Zato vam danes predstavljam, kako sem njihovo obutev in torbo skombinirala na malce neobičajen, a ta hip zelo "vroč, trendy" način.
Klasični kosi so tisti del garderobe, ki so večni, nikoli ne gredo iz mode in kot jih sama rada poimenujem - so zimzeleni. In kot da to samo po sebi ni dovolj, imam za vas še dva odlična modna nasvetka:
"Bucket" torbice so vroč trend že nekaj časa, tale pa ima še bordo rdečo notranjost, zaradi česar bo TOP za prihajajočo jesen! 

Tiste, ki pa si rade optično podaljšate noge, a ne marate nositi petk, so tile gležnarjiv kombinaciji s črnimi hlačami, odlična izbira za vas. Le pazite, da se ne vidi kože med hlačami ter gležnarji, in zadele ste na lotu! :) Aja, pa še to tako zelo so udobni!

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