

September 21, 2016

Who would have thought you can find so much beauty in one place - like you do in Milano. In fact, discovering hidden gems in big cities is what I adore the most when travelling and its what gives me the thrills.
We shot these pics on the terrace in the middle of an urban skyscraper jungle, but looking at them you would think they were taken in Marrakesh, right? So cheers to the big city life! And cheers to a hot Indian summer (I think its time for autumn now) :)

Kdo bi si mislil, da lahko človek odkrije toliko lepote na enem mestu - kot jo v Milanu. Pravzaprav pa je odkrivanje skritih zakladov v velikih prestolnicah meni najlepši del potovanj in tisto, kar me najbolj navdušuje.
Današnje slike so bile posnete na krasni terasi, ki spominja na Marrakesh, navkljub temu, da je pravzaprav obdana z visokimi nebotičniki in je v središču mesta.
Tako danes nazdravljam mestnemu življenju, vročemu indijanskemu poletju - in hkrati se že veselim jeseni! :)

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