STYLE OF THE DAY silverywhite

October 27, 2013

It feels weird since its nearly November and the temperatures outside being insanely high for this time of the year. I remember it was snowing exactly a year ago where I live and now it feels like...September I guess =) However, I still layer clothes and pretend I dont see people walking around in just a thin sweater.
For casual weekend outfit I was playing around with sporty-chic look. Hoodie underneath this rather elegant coat, necklace that I seem I cant get my hands off and new mirrored sunnies, which tight the whole look together. Hope you like it.

Bližamo se novembru in smešno visoke temperature za ta letni čas mi ne pomagajo pri izbiri garderobe. Spomnim se, da je točno eno leto nazaj že zapadel prvi sneg, letos pa se že dva meseca počutim kot, da se je narava ustavila v septembru.
Kakorkoli, navkljub temperaturam še vedno plastim oblačila in nekako ignoriram tiste, hodijo po jesenski Ljubljani v tankih jopicah...
Za ležeren vikend sem se igrala z elegantno-športnimi videzom, ko sem pod plašček oblekla športno jopico na kapuco, verižica (vem, izgleda kot da še spim z njo =)) pa se je super povezala z novimi sončnimi očali, ki so vse skupaj povezale v super celoto. Upam, da vam je všeč.

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