
*STYLE OF THE DAY* Black and pink with a lot of details

September 04, 2012

No, unfortunately I cant afford Isabel Marant, but that doesn't mean I wont have that kind of shoes. But I will have them one day! I promised that to myself! =)

Mixing different styles in such fun. Mums classy clutch with sneakers?! Of course! =)
Love September and the smell of upcoming fall...

 For fish braided manicure check out my beauty spot. 

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19 komentarji

  1. Vaaaau <3 vse mi je všeč. Pa kakšni lepi lasje...! Ej, te smem prašat kje si najdla sneakerse?


  2. Super outfit, supergice so mi res všeč, js bi jih tut mela, samo mi ful ne pašejo k stilu :( xxx

  3. Lovely <3 jst tud pr mami na vsake tok časa kej iz omare "ukradem", nikol ne veš kdaj najdeš tako lepo torbico kot si jo ti :))


  4. o ja od Isabel Marant so tud na moji wishlisti sam so čist redrage za moj študennačin življenja trenutno :D Lepo zamenjavo si najdla, res supr pride :) xx

  5. Te superge so awesome, poleg tega da fajn izgledajo, so še udobne! Super styling. Tvoji lasje so pa božanski...ubijala bi za njih :D

  6. supergice so ful luštne! js tud še čakam na svoj par :)

  7. Meni je pa majčka nora <3
    A to imajo sedaj v prodaji?

  8. Popoln stajlig, štima vse od glave do pete :D

  9. Zelo zelo zelo hudo.! Pa itak mislim, da vse kar bi si ti gor oblekla, da bi ti pasalo (:

  10. Punce najlepša hvala, you literally made my day!! <3

    Gita superge sem našla na Miklošičevi, extra fashion. =)

  11. ooo tvoji wedge sneakers so mi tud vsec :D

  12. Love wedge sneakers! Nice nails too : )

  13. Nice photos and really cool outfit, you look great, I like your pants, what a great shape and that top is so nice, the perfect touch to the outfit also you are really beautiful and your shoes rock! Your blog is lovely by the way and I am a new follower on GFC and Bloglovin! Hope you will like my blog and follow back!

    Pop Culture&Fashion Magic

  14. Love it! you look stunning with this total black!!!
    the twist of the bag is great!
    kisses dear!


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