Think of all the things that make you happy... things that make you laugh .... things that make your life complete! I wish that all those things are beside you on your path in 2012!!! Love Mancina ...
Priznam, nisem tip človeka, ki bi Konad vzorčke nosil vsak dan, včasih pa je skušnjava vzorca prevelika in takrat se vdam... Točno to se je zgodilo na božični večer in nastala je tale konadikura: =)I am not very Konad type of girl, but I like it on others! Sometimes the temptation is just too big and I simply give in... And this happened...
Jap, res sem čisto padla v veseli december in temu primerno izbiram vse kar ima bleščeč efekt. Tudi laki za nohte niso izjema. Inspiracijo za bleščečo francosko sem dobila pri Ani, tenkju bejba! =)Yes I am all into christmas spirit and becouse of that all the bling bling nailpolishes are a must. Even though I decided for a little bit towned down mani,...
Res postajam vse bolj smešna. Doma imam toliko lakov, pa rabim celo večnost preden jm dam priložnost. Tale recimo je sestrin najljubši lak, jaz pa ga imam doma že skoraj dve leti ampak se nikoli nisem počutila zanj. V bistvu če sem iskrena, ne vem če sem ga imela dvakrat. =)No par dni nazaj, preden sem odšla na izlet na Dunaj pa sem si...
I was thinking about what to write, since my blog is not as active as I wanted it to be. So I figured that among writing and posting my style pics I will write and post also my traveling trips around the word, which is also a great passion of mine. Ever since backpacking with my bf for a month around East coast of America,...
Its finally here!! My beloved December is here, and we took our time today and start the first day of it as it deserves it ... Wonderfuly! After the whole day of sunbathing at home, I went to foggy Ljubljana for some delicous wafles and hangin around a bit. It is pretty cold outside, and since i love layering I did it again...