When tease-y really does it!
September 01, 2011
Kljub temu, da še nismo prestopili v koledarsko jesen, se vsakič z vstopom v septembrom počutim, kot da je jesen praktično že tu. Vseeno vsi že premikamo toplejše obleke v prvse vrste v garderobi, narava se počasi umirja in spreminja barve, predvsem pa vsaj jaz z jesenjo začnem brskati temnejše lake za nohte.
Danes imam nov odtenek, ki je po mojem mnenju must za letošnjo jesen. Mešanica rjvaih-bordordečih--melancanasto črnih odtenkov z bronastozlatordečim shimmrom... ljubezen na prvi pogled!
Well its not the official fall jet, but when we step into Spetember I feel like nature is calming down, we bring warm clothes in the front row in our closets, and darker shades in our nailpolish stash. I have a new OPI shade in my collection that I think is a must for fall! Its a mixture between burgundy, brown, deep purple and black, with lots of golden-bronzy-redish shimmer in it. Pure love and need two coats.

Danes imam nov odtenek, ki je po mojem mnenju must za letošnjo jesen. Mešanica rjvaih-bordordečih--melancanasto črnih odtenkov z bronastozlatordečim shimmrom... ljubezen na prvi pogled!
Well its not the official fall jet, but when we step into Spetember I feel like nature is calming down, we bring warm clothes in the front row in our closets, and darker shades in our nailpolish stash. I have a new OPI shade in my collection that I think is a must for fall! Its a mixture between burgundy, brown, deep purple and black, with lots of golden-bronzy-redish shimmer in it. Pure love and need two coats.
5 komentarji
Res je lušten tale odtenek. Verjetno ga bom tudi jaz zdaj počasi spet privlekla na plan, no na nohte :)
ReplyDeleteČudovit je! :)
ReplyDeleteSuper odtenek za jesen! Pa zdi se mi, da so ti nohti zrastli? :)
ReplyDeletecute blog"!
ReplyDeletekisses A.
@biba jap mislm da je skrajni čas da ga osvobodiš iz predala =)
ReplyDelete@nuush cant agree more =)
@ana ja res so mi! odkar mam opi nail envy mi nohti norijo! =)
@anna tnx so much! =)