My black maxi dress

September 03, 2011

One of the most exciting things while having a vacation at the seaside is when a hot day is turning into a magical summer night, you get dressed and go to the old part of the city for some ice cream and ... visit the amusement park of course!! haha I guess I have this thing for this kind of parks since I was a jung girl and the whole familiy was having fun while adrenalin was running throug our venes. This time was the first that I didn't go to any of the carousel, but we took some pictures infront one instead.
And yes another maxi dress on the menu. =)

Big thanks to Gaj R. and Luka for taking pictures! =)

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14 komentarji

  1. Kak si lepa! Tak elegantno zgledaš v tej obleki.

    Uh, kak bi šla zaj na en hitri vrtiljak :D

  2. Zelo lepe slikce in luškane sandalce maš :))

  3. O, a mava isti prstan? :) Samo, da tvoj ima kamen, moj je pa samo srebrn. :D

    Uff, jaz se ne bi mogla upret vrtiljaku, vsako leto komaj čakam sejem, ki pride konec novembra v Staro Gorico, da se gremo vozit in jest fritelle. :D Se strinjam z Anito, ful zgledaš elegantna. :) Čudoviti uhani.

  4. @beba oo tenkju =)
    @Mushei hval hvala, sandali so pa ne samo da so lepi še čudovit spomin so =)
    @Nina jaaaa mislm d mava podobnega ja! drugač pa ne jap vem kko je k komi čakaš ringlšpil, samo pač nažalost ni blo prilke it.. mam izgovor d nasl morm it :D

  5. Great dress! These images are so cool!


  6. @BJ tnx so much =)
    @Irena hvala bejb =)*
    @Tesa hihi tnx ;)

  7. @Sanja hvalaaa*
    @Anamarija hvala, mi veliko pomeni! =)

  8. the dress is lovely, and you look stunning in the photos!
    i love your blog! i am following now :)


  9. @Ana hvala*
    @Luisa tnx so much dear I really appreciate it and am glad that you like it =)


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