
OPI Pompeii purple with bubbly bombshel

Spomnim se, da je nekaj let nazaj moja najboljša prijateljica imela živo - skoraj fuksija pink lak, s krasnim modrim shimmrom. Res sem bila popolnoma navdušena nad njim, ampak na mojo žalost ga nikjer nisem našla, niti njemu podobnega ne. Do nekaj dni nazaj!! Ah čisto sem navdušena in sploh ne pomnim, kdaj sem nazadnje od navdušenja imela kar trikrat zapored isti lak...

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life and style

By the lake

Hello lovelies, this time again pictures were taken by the lake near my sis's house. I guess we have a little tradition, that everytime I am staying at their place, we are going for a morning coffee there. =) Anyway todays weather was sooo hot, that shorts were a must, and even the sheerest tank I could find was to much. ;) I...

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life and style

Ready for summer! =)

I wanted a Ray ban Aviators for such a long time and lucky me, my mom, sis and her husband bought me as a presnet the other day. I was sooo happy and excited while opening the box ... and there they were ... ;) Gosh what a great feeling is getting something after raiving about it for a long period of time!...

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life and style

flowers at the zoo

Hi lovelies! Today I want to share with you a few pics from my trip to the zoo, where my BF took me. We are goin there at least once a year and everytime I am there, I feel like a child. So tnx dear for that lovely day. =)* So if I stood by the girafe I would reach its tail. =)...

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Opi has blown my mind with blue my mind

Javno razglašam, da gojim hudo simpatijo do modrih lakov za nohte! =) Ampak kar je najbolj smešno je, da tale lak, ki mi je tako zelo všeč sploh ni moj, ampak mamin! =) in od vseh modrih lakov, kar sem jih imela na sebi do so sedaj, je ta eden najlepših! Nažalost pa je moj fotoaparat zatajil tudi tukaj, tako da je lak...

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life and style

MY comfy way ...

Missed me? ;) I know it is a week since my last post but there is sooo much stuff goin on in my life and to be even more "interesting" I caught a cold ... great! So that is why there was a lack of posts... hope I am going to be ok as soon as possible, so I can dig in my...

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Ema Salčinovič

Emas collection

This collection that was entroduced on Saturdays show was made by Ema Salčinovič. I really like that the outfits themselves were pretty casual and very wearable, but each one had a statement peace, that made the outfit so unique and interesting. Take a look at the collection: Fotos by Jasna Furlan Actually I think that every collection should be mentioned here, couse they...

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Nina Tomažin collection

I attended a two days event last weekend, where young designers had their own fashion shows in Ajdovščina, showing their creations. The collections were amazing, and I was blown away by the creativity and freshness, designes and materials combined together ... I am not sure about posting collections of all the designers, but here is the first one: Since I allready mentioned that...

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