

May 08, 2016

I've decided its time to get a bit more upfront and personal and made a digitorial about me, rather just about stylings this time. If you follow me on Instagram - @mancinasspot (if you dont, I think now its time to do so, haha), than you've probably already created an image of me. Sort of. But if you wanna know more about me ... read a few fun facts bellow.

Tokrat sem se odločila za malo drugačno objavo, ter fokus namesto na obleke, preusmerila nase. Če mi sledite na Instagramu - @mancinasspot (če mi še ne, mislim da je sedaj čas za to, haha) ste si o meni morda že narisali sliko. Če pa bi radi izvedeli kaj več o meni, ... pa si v nadaljevanju preberite nekaj zanimivih dejstev :)
I have decided to go from a vegetarian to a plant-based diet almost a year ago. I just didn't want to contribute to the cruel dairy-meet industry anymore and thought its time to make a change. Results? My soul feels happier and my body healthier.
- I am quite clumsy and very goofy.
- My friends tease me, that I should open an animal shelter, since I rescue practically every animal I can, whenever and wherever. Maybe one day... =)
- I drink black coffee with no sugar.
- Its easy to make me cry, especially when its something animal related.
- I spent too much time on my phone.
- When I paint my nails, I always start with the middle finger, haha.
- I love browsing through photos of past memories on my phone. So when caseapp contacted me to design my own phone-case, I made a polaroid collage of my favorite people, places and pets. That way I can have them in my visible spectrum all the time. :)
If you want to create your own phone case, use MANCINAS20 on their SITE, to get 20% off till 15th of June!

- Pred dobrim letom sem se odločila, da svoje prehrambene navade iz vegetarijanstva spremenim v striktno rastlinsko prehrano. Ne želim več podpirati krute mlečno-mesne industrije. Rezultati so odlični, moja duša je mirnejša in telo bolj zdravo.
- Sem štorasta in zelo norčava.
- Če je le v moji moči, vedno in povsod rešujem živali. Prijatelji me že hecajo naj odprem zavetišče... Mogoče nekoč! =)
- Obožujem črno kavo, brez sladkorja.
- Hitro padem v jok, če pa so v igri živali, je za solzne oči vprašanje sekund.
- Občutno preveč časa preživim na telefonu. 
- Ko si lakiram nohte, vedno začnem s sredincem, haha.
- Brskanje med slikami polnimi spominov je nekaj kar obožujem in ko so me s strani ekipe caseapp kontaktirali naj oblikujem ovitek za telefon po svojih željah, sem naredila nekaj meni zelo posebnega. V obliki polaroidnih slik sem sestavila kolaž mojih najljubših ljudi, krajev ter seveda živali. Tako ne potrebujem več konstantno brskati po telefonu. =)
Koda MANCINAS20 ti omogoča 20% popust pri kreiranju svojega ovitka na njihovi STRANI in to 
do 15. junija. :)

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4 komentarji

  1. Great post! YEs, sometimes it's hard to get off the phone haha but we all need breaks to enjoy the moment we are in

    Selftimers Blog | Bloglovin' | Instagram

  2. Nice post sweetie! It is always nice to hear more about your personal life^^
    xx BBB

  3. Un post muy bonito.



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