
My TOP 4 pink beauty products

KIKO - False lashes concentrate; Volume & definition top coat mascara I have to be honest here and tell you, that I wasn't aware I bought a topcoat mascara, until I came home. When I figured it out, doubts started running through my head. "Why would I need a topcoat mascara? All I wanted was a new mascara and now I have to...

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1 piece 3 looks


Yes, Mancinas spot is a blog where most of the time I work on developing my personal style - and most of the time, lets be honest, my favorite styling would feature me wearing a pair of high waisted skinnies. Ha =)But through the years I've realised, its fun to try other things and get to know yourself through clothes even more.So here...

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--- CLOSED ---- WIN Mancina's go-to essentials

Valentine's day is over, but "gift season" is never over! =) I wanted to thank you all for the love I receive from you every day, so I came up with the idea of a little go-to essentials giveaway. I have hand selected 3 products, that I think every girl would love to have. I really enjoy using each of them and they...

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life and style


Hi everyone, my name is Manca (reads Man-tz-a) and I'm addicted to color matching my outfit. =) I like it when the styling is nicely "blended in"- its just something I'm comfortable with and I really enjoy wearing outfits like that. For example, wearing the color of this year's winter - burgundy, just makes me happy. And since the weather is still quite ......

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life and style


My previous post wasn't your typical Valentine's, but ... this one definitely is!  I decided to go all white with a pop-of-color kinda outfit, since I think it reminiscences precisely what love is supposed to be. Pure and gentile, but spiced up with fire and passion. And I mean - love in all kinds of forms we can have in our lives. Love for the people that surround us.  Love for the...

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inspiration 4 valentines day

You probably think I'm crazy, calling THIS my Valentine's day inspiration! Where are all the hearts and all that jazz? - you may ask. Well, you know guys, I love the idea of celebrating love, but I love to celebrate it in a ... slightly unconventional way. A bit edgy, yet subtle, feminine and with a little spin. By now, you all probably...

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life and style

true story

I just think I'm one of those people, that find outfits a bit plain, if they don't contain any kind of layering. Call it faith or my slight OCD, but the moment I found this sweater in the back of my closet, I've envisioned the outfit with matching colours. You see ... I really like when things match and the turbot shaped figures...

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life and style

BEST packing advice ever!

My constant struggle, while travelling for more than a few days, has been HOW to get ALL of my wardrobe into a suitcase! =) What if its going to be super cold / rainy / hot? What am I going to wear for dinner or for a comfy shopping day? ... and the list just goes on and on. And you know what's...

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