Leaving an ICE AGE behind

February 09, 2014

Weather has definitely has not been on my side lately. After long week of literal ice age, (meaning no electricity what so ever) it has started to rain cats and dogs, causing floods and I probably don’t need to stress that all of this has forced me to fight against catching a flu every second of the day.
Having said that, this week was beyond perfect for realizing that forcing yourself into stuff that necessarily are not meant to be, at this exact desired moment, is just pointless. And as much as I would have love to share my outfits with you guys, I stay true to myself and mostly be honest with you guys and posts I publish on Mancinas spot. So, no standing in heels on an icy road, freezing myself, because this is just something I don’t do. I share my outfits the way I truly wear everyday and not to brag but I became master of layering even more now. Piles of sweaters, sweat pants and socks on me were my outfits lately ;)

Regardless the situation I am safe and sound, lookin forward the better days that are yet to come. Till then here is a Valentines look from last year. Sending you love <3 font="">

Ne želim pričenjati nove objave s temo o vremenu, a če je, je sedaj zagotovo pravi čas, ko mi je to lahko oproščeno. Po tednu preživetem v ledeni dobi, (ki je dodobra zagodla vsem, ki smo za preživetje odvisni od elektrike) je sedaj dež pričel poplavljati vse naokrog. Brez potrebe lahko torej dodam, da je moj boj z virusi torej neizogiben in tako sem delo z blogom morala odložiti na čakanje.
In po vsem povedanem, je ta teden zagotovo bil čas, ko se je znova izkazalo, da nekaterih stvari pač ne moreš početi/imeti, pa če si še tako zelo želiš. Težnja po "rinjenju z glavo skozi zid" je brez pomena in ker je moj blog mesto kjer sem "jaz jaz", tudi tokrat ne bom premikala mej in prikazovala modnih trendov "stati v petah na ledenih površinah" in zmrzovati do onemoglosti. Vse kar delim na mojem blogu je pristno in iskreno, zato je torej te dni bilo manjše zatišje. Sicer pa, ne da bi se hvalila, a lahko povem, da sem svoje znanje v plastenju tokrat izpilila še bolj kot si mislite. Puloverji, trenirka na trenirko in plast nogavic... Ja, tudi taki dnevi so včasih neizogibni in jaz sem doma kraljevala v točno takih outfitih. ;)
Ne glede na vse, sem živa in zdrava in se že veselim prihodnjih dni. Do takrat pa en spominček na lanski valentinov outfit. Poljubčke!

Click here to read my Winter skincare rutine with La roche-posay /
Te zanima kaj uporabljam za nego kože v teh mrzlih dnevih? Klikni na objavo na Mancinas beauty spot-u.

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9 komentarji

  1. Jedna od tvojih najdražih kombinacija! Sjećam se da sam se zaljubila u tvoj blog kada sam je vidjela! :)

  2. love this red outfit in the snow!!! great contrast!!!!

  3. The photo and the outfit is stunning my dear! :)

    Take care,
    Daniella xox

  4. so beautiful!

  5. Gorgeous photos!! I like winter but I can't wait until it's over..been too cold these days!

  6. You look lovely !
    Miss the snow..


  7. you look like a gorgeous princess. red fits and suits you soo much

    pls take a look at my new post on http://splashesandbeautiful.blogspot.de/2014/02/prada-is-love.html and if you like it follow me on blogslovin and http://instagram.com/sophokonjaria

  8. That picture is breathtakingly beautiful!
    Mafalda ❤


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