Needless to say November was beyond great. Gorgeous and again unforgettable days spent in Milan with my bff, my debut as a stylist led into my first cover and a huge fashion name Dirk Bikkimbergs on my blog ... December bring it on! =) Brez oklevanja se lahko ozrem nazaj in se zahvalim za še en, čudovit mesec. Krasni in nepozabni dnevi preživeti...
I have to admit Im kinda OCD, when it comes to publishing posts on Mancinas spot. Despite the chronological order when it comes to my personal style posts, doesn't have no true meaning what so ever, I really like them to be in one anyway. Hope you dont mind. =) Here in another and sadly the final one from my beloved Milan. Neo...
Liking matte shades more and more everyday, I needed to buy this gorgeous H&M nailpolish while my stay in Milan. Perfection:Ker iz dneva v dan bolj obožujem žametne, mat odtenke, sem med potikanjem po Milanu, s seboj morala odnesti tega H&M lepotca. I needed two thin coats, which dried fast due its matte finish /Potrebovala sem dve tanki plasti, ki sta se zaradi mat...
While my stay in Milan I got convinced for the final time, that peplum tops really are one of the most flattering pieces, for womens figure. Dirk Bikkimbergs one, from the fw13 collection, truly is so gorgeous and Im so happy I got the chance to share it with you, my dear readers. Its made out of thick pleated material which stands perfectly...
Black. Textured sandy finish embraced with glass sparkles. Named with the best name possibile. Emotions. Here is the new OPI shade from Mariah Carey Holiday collection.Črnina objeta v steklen peščen finiš, poimenovana z eno besedo, ki opiše vse. Emotions. Tukaj je najnovejši OPI lak iz Mariah Carey Holiday kolekcije.I needed two coats it dried super fast due mat sandy finish /Potrebovala sem dve...
Editing my photos, I realized I've spent the most amazing sunny fall days in Milan, I could have ever imagined. While my family was sending me cold and rainy kisses from my hometown, we were wondering whether we should wear jacket on our shoulders, or holding them in our hands. Being said that I finally had the opportunity to wear my faux leather...
If you follow me on Instagram, you already know Im back from Milan, but I am still left with a few "style of the day"s left which are still waiting to be published. Here is one of them I was wearing for a quick meeting and a walk around gorgeous new futuristic, "matrix" place - Garibaldi. Minimalistic all black outfit, where all eyes...
I am sure everyone, who has feeling for beautiful things, aesthetics and like to treat thierself with beautiful things, can be easily taken their breath away by holding Chanel in their hands. Black box in golden colored frame, hiding a treasure inside a velvet bag is something I was admiring at mums makeup stash since I was a child is mine now.My makeup...
One of the first things I like to do, when comin back to Milan is going to Navigli to see the sunset. Not only the place is so misterioulsy beautiful, it also has so many great memories which embrace me everytime I come there. After a great afternoon catching up and making plans for next days, while eating pizza, this suset was one...
Im back in my fav town and I just want to encourage you to find me on Instagram @mancinasspot and walk, and experience Milan through my eyes! see ya! =) Sprehodi se z menoj, po mojem najljubšem mestu in okusi najlepše trenutke Milana z menoj. Najdi me na Instagramu, pod imenom @mancinasspot! Se vidimo! =) Follow Mancinas spot with: ● FACEBOOK ...
I decided to make a new serie called Zoom-IN!, where I'll post all the details of my already posted outfits. Details which make an outfit standout or make it different. And since I think hair is one of the greates accents to our appearance, here is my FIRST zoom-IN! all about my hair. For how I take care for my hair, click on...