
*SHADE OF THE DAY* Channelesque

June 30, 2013

I have complitely forgot about this beauty. Channelesque is jus amazing and for sure one, if not THE one taupe shades in my nailpolish stash. The main culprit for the start of my taupe nailpolish obssesion.

Med vso poplavo odtenkov sem popolnoma pozabila na Channelesque. Sivolilarjavkast odtenek, je definitivno eden mojih ljubših v moji zbirki in je krivec za mojo odkrito ljubezen do taupe barv...

No joke, this one ia s one coater, and after years its still very runny and has a great staying power. Love it!
Brez heca, tale potrebuje le eno plast in je po letih še vedno tekoč, in zelo obstojen. Love it!

A dupe for this oldie goldie is deffinately KIKO 320 / je popolna zamenjava za tega lepotca

Sad to say I had difficulties finding trends for the upcoming ss including taupe shades. So this is what I found:
Nažalost letošnji trendi za prihajajočo pomlad/poletje ne vključujejo veliko taupe barve. Vseeno sem našla nekaj zanimivega:

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