life and style

STYLE OF THE DAY Goodbye 2013!

Looking back to the year that has passed and being appreciative for every moment, that has either embraced me with happiness or taught me a lesson. Thinking about the outfit to wear for the last day of 2013 and coming up with this one: Classic high waisted pants, turtleneck, the most beautiful coat, designed by my mom, high heels for pop of color and the...

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I kinda have a tradition, making special manicures for Christmas. This year I chose with OPI nail apps in Gold lace and I honestly cannot remember the last time I got so many compliments. ;)Kot vsak Božič, sem tudi za letošnjega izbrala za spoznanje bolj posebno manikuro, tokrat z OPI Gold lace nalepkami. Ne spomnim se, kdaj sem nazadnje dobila toliko komplimentov. ;)Talking...

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life and style

STYLE OF THE DAY the black dress

Probably not the most festive Christmas outfits you are going to see in the next few days, but surly one my fav ones recently. Having said that I was still debating within myself, whether a hat can lead to an overdose effect but quickly coming to a conclusion, its never an overdose of something a person truly love. The same goes with black,...

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SHADE OF THE DAY Deep red sparkles

Yes, Christmas is just around the corner and I couldnt feel more festive than with a deep red sparkled nail polish on my nails right? Here is Orly Firecracker!Božič je skoraj tu in za piko na i prazničnemu vzdušju, sem nohte nalakirala nohte v krasen, temnejše rdeč odtenek, posut s krasnimi steklenimi bleščicami, Orly Firecracker!I needed two coats and Sache Vite topcoat /...

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life and style


I was in a hunt for a perfect, versatile, black coat ever since I remember and now I think I can finally say I found it. I like the coats to be either super oversized or really slim fitted, preferably with subtle shoulder padding, higher russian collar and super worm, of course. Well, I kinda described the one I found and am practically...

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Festive fairytale in Brussels

Brussels is indeed beautiful city but with Christmas decoration the town glows and shines in all its glory even more by night. My last night in town, was by far one of the most magical moments of my life. Night marked by the Christmas parade. Night, in which the festive costumes danced on the festive music echoing on the streets, enchanted the festive...

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Spotted in Brussels

Traveling has been a great passion of mine ever since I came back from USA backpack trip few years back, but there is just something about visiting foreign places in the Christmas time. Im sure we can all agree on that, right? This years pick, for the sweet few days getaway, has been Brussels, Belgium. Streets of this beautiful city amazed me with...

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Chanel Graphite 529 was my choice for calming the need of silverygolden glitters on my nails. Festive much and super glittery! =)Tokratno željo po bleščečem, srebrnozlatem odtenku sem si tokrat potešila s Chanel Graphite 529 lakom. Praznično in bleščeče. I needed two coats but had quite long drying time / potrebovala sem dve plasti, ki sta se kar počasi sušiliDespite sparkles and silvery shades...

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life and style

STYLE OF THE DAY leather it up!

I remember someone saying black is the safest color to wear and the least daring one, with which I cannot agree to its fullest. Color doesnt have a lot to do with the outfit itself as much as our style and fashion taste has, in my opinion. Having said that I truly believe in wearing what you feel like wearing and you will...

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