I came home from my last few days off, for this summer. It went by so quickly ... And just becouse I really wanted to absorb every day as much as I could, my outfits must be summer inspired as well. Floppy hat was lying in my closet the whole summer, so I had take it with me and made an outfit, when...
Wow! this past few days were seriously hot, and I've been hiding between the four walls as much as I could. =) Don't know if I allready told you that I am a huge maxi dress lover and beside the comfyness that gives me its still very flowy which allows me to breth easly, when its freakin 35°C outside. =) The outfit I...
Se spomnite laka Dream On, ki sem ga lani kupila na potovanju po NYC? Zadnjič, ko sem obujala spomine in gledala fotke sem se spomnila nanj in ga v trenutku šla izbrskat iz svoje zbirke in ga dala na nohte. Satenast neon vijolček je več kot popoln za te peklensko vroče dneve. No malo sem ga še popimpala z bleščicami:Do you remember my...
As I already told you, I went with my BF to the coast the other day. We decided to have the most relaxing and fun day of this summer. =) So we were lying at the beach, went to the sea a bizilion times due the HOT weather, havin great dinner and so on ... =) We really had an amazing day. So...
Though its still August I feel fall is coming with a speed of light. And despite hot 30°C outside, I wanted to wear leather shorts yesterday! haha! =D My mom must thought I was going crazy so she just said let me wear sth more flowy so I wont burn while walking around the city. So here is what I came out with....
Ponavadi ne kupujem essence lakov za nohte, izjemoma samo če mi je resnično zelo všeč. In tale je moral it z mano domov, nalakirala sem si ga pa skoraj na vhodnih vratih, tolk sm ga želela probat. =)Odkar imam daljše nohte, si jih lakiram s temnejšimi laki, ker se z barvami sploh ne počutim dobro, pa še lepo mi ne zgleda. No nazaj...
Today I have a post for wearing a cute outfit with a countryside smell. I havent done one in a while now, and today I decided to take pictures myself, otherweise this outfit would be forgoten and it would be a shame, couse I really like it. =) So take a deep breath and welcome to my countryside post: =) ...
Kot obljubljeno, objavljam še fotke laka za nohte, ki sem ga nosila v tem postu. Priznam, da sem se šele zdaj zaljubila v Orlyijevo Cosmix FX kolekcijo. Tale lak je sicer sestrin, moj Halleys comet pa je moj TOP lak za na prste na nogah. Nosim ga že celo poletje! =) In po vsem napisanem, lahko samo rečem da noro komaj čakam jesensko...
Don't know if everyone is at the seaside or what, couse the lack of comments, but I am here and not going anywhere. =) Unfortunately. Couse of that I had a few quite "depressing" days, but I had to get over it some how ... And instead of lying at the beach and smelling the sea, I went with my mom to the...
And yeeey I finally have 'em!! I wanted this pair of shoes for the longest time and though they aren't the high heel ones I love them big time! Take a look at my New in: Zara court shoes. And a kiss to my mum. =) I am sure you are gonna see this shoes a lot on my blog and today I...