
Red for 1. of december

December 01, 2010

Ena kratka objava, saj sem se ravnokar zavedla, da se že dolgo nisem oglasila... Na nohtih imam lak, ki je enostavno prekrasen in popoln za božič, 1. december... Potrebuje dve plasti in je preprosto najlepši =) OPI- Ruby For Rudolph

A quick post couse I know I haven't done one for a while... I've been loving this nailpolish soooo much and it's perfect for Christmas, first of December... It needs two coats and its just wonderful... OPI- Ruby For Rudolph

And yes, we have a loots of snow and I figured that snow makes me very happy and calm =)

Nevem ali se motim, vendar tale me zelo spominja na Ruby Pumps od China Glaze. Nažalost ga nimam, vendar kaj mislite ve? Sta si podobna?

I think that this polish is very similar to China Glaze Ruby Pumps.. but I don't own one.. What do you think, are they simmilar?

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