
wearable Betty with fairy dust and one of my stytlings set

July 05, 2010

Včeraj sem imela tri neuspešne poizkuse izdelave lepe manikure, zato sem se na koncu odločila za nekaj bolj nežnega in ne preveč vpadljivega..

I have painted my nails three times yesterday..but everytime I wasn't satisfied with the result.. so i figured that i will wear something more wearable..nude..

Vzela sem Zoyino Betty in nanesla eno plast:
So i took Zoyas- Betty and applyed 1 coat:

Odločila sem se za konad in vzela platko m64 in odtisnila vzorček s konadovim pearl white lakom:
I have decided to do some konad, and took plate m64, and konad pearl white nailpolish:

Ker nisem bila popolnoma zadovoljna, sem nanesla še eno plast ChG Fairy dust:
But it was too hursh so i adedd one layer of China Glaze Fairy dust on top:

Poglejte to prelepo mavrico =)
Look the colors of the glitters.. just like the rainbow.. love it..

Kaj pravite?
What do you think?

p.s. vabim vas, da obiščete moj drugi blog mancinas styling spot, upam da vam bo všeč! =)
p.s. i am inviting you to visit my other blog: mancinas styling spot and i hope you like it! =)

Za pokušino en setek iz mojega drugega bloga.. to mani bi nosila k temu:
And one of my sets from my other blog (i would wear this mani with this:)

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9 komentarji

  1. mancina čudovito je tole <3
    mi je kar hudo da imam tako rumene nohte, ko tole pogledam...

  2. O, tole pa je tako lepo in nežno. Ta Fairy Dust je super!

  3. -anček hvala! drugače pa sem stoprocentna, da dela čudeže moj Zoyin podlak =)

    -biba hvala in ja se strinja,...fairy dust je mega! =)

  4. Kaka simpatična manikura. <3

  5. The nails look great!
    x fashionnerdic

  6. Mancina kod se potepaš, da ni nobene nove objave?

  7. like the pics, they look cute :)

    xoxo lala

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