August 31, 2017
Foto by Manca Kocjancic
Even though most of us - Mancina's spot crew - are already done with school, I am convienced we all get the same feeling in our stomach when September first arrives. Dont we all relate it with the nervous excitement of starting something new, while saying goodbe to careless summer days in the anticipation of what coming next?
So today I wanted to make a little "back to school" outfit, incorporating an item we all associate with school - backpack. Despite the fact that backpacks are in trend for quite some time now, they were never really something I considered wearing ever since highschool. Till today. Today I wanted to add some nostalgia to my outfit and spice it up a bit, making it different than usual.
And you know what they say: "Never grow up, its a trap!" So even though my style has evoled and is not high-school youthful anymore, I played around with youthful accessories like this backpack to make the outfit unique and fun.
Čeprav večina od nas - v Mancina's spot druščini - ne guli več šolskih klopi, sem prepričana, da s prvim spetembrom pa prav vsi dobimo v želodcu iste občutke. Medtem ko se poslavljamo od brezskrbnih poletnih dni je nervozno pričakovanje novih dogodivščin in sprememb zelo prisotno, kajne?
Zato sem danes pripravila objavo z naslovom "nazaj v šolo" in v ospredje postavila kos, ki ga čisto vsi asociiramo s šolo - nahrbtnik. Čeprav so nahrbtniki že lep čas nazaj v modi, pa jih sama od svojih srednje-šolskih dni nisem več postavila na svoja ramena. Do danes.
Danes sem pa se odločila, da z njim na rami postavim nostalgično piko na i,in tako naredim outfit malce drugačen, kot običajno.
In ker pravijo, da nikoli ne smemo odrati ker je to past, sem se tudi jaz danes modno poigrala. Čeprav moj stil danes ni več srednješolsko razigran, pa sem v kombinaciji z nahrbtnikom v svoj stil prinesla nekaj sveže unikatnosti in razigranosti.
4 komentarji
Your back to school look is so cute. I love that blazer!
ReplyDeleteWow, I wish I dressed like this while I was in school! This look is killer! <3
Super chic <3