

April 07, 2017

I never would have thought that wearing a corset would at some point be "my thing". I was even convinced, I'll skip this trend like there is no tomorrow. However, after seeing so many outfit inspirations with them - I know, there are literally everywhere, they slipped under my skin, so I decided to jump on the band wagon and to give this trend a go. In fact, we all know how much I love cinching my waist with belts anyway, right?

Fashion tip:
Regardless how much I like the way corset looks on, I still wanted to wear it in a more subtle and not really "in your face"  kinda way. With that being said I styled it black on black, which makes the corset not so visible at the first sight, but on top of my baggy sweater it highlights my waist perfectly and makes a great contrast.

Čeprav obožujem poudarjanje svojega pasu z modnimi dodatki, si nikoli pravzaprav nisem mislila, da bo prišlo obdobje ko bodo v to kategorijo sodili tudi korzeti. Pravzaprav sem bila prepričana, da bom trend, ki je obnorel množice mirno izpustila... No, po tem, ko sem videla toliko super modnih idej z njimi, sem se le odločila, da ga preizkusim še sama in priznam, da mi je super všeč kako izgleda na telesu!

Modni nasvet:
Ne glede na to, kako zelo mi je všeč, pa sem se vseeno odločila, da ga tokrat pokombiniram na malce bolj nosljiv način in se odela popolno črnino. Da pa je korzet naredil tisto pravo piko na i mojemu pasu, sem ga oblekla preko prevelikega puloverja, s čimer je krasno poudaril linijo telesa in ustvari krasen kontrast.

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6 komentarji

  1. Love this total black look , what an amazing photography as well
    also check out my new blog post

  2. Amazing outfit!


  3. Perfect outfit.
    Have a great day beauty.


  4. Amazing pictures - I love the belt! <3


  5. So much love for this look! Stunning visual once again :)

    Take care,
    Daniella xox


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