November 01, 2013Working as a man fashion consultant for few months now, forced me to explore men fashion more as I ever did before, more so I have to admit, it forced me to understand and love it more and more each day.
Its no secret I've been a huge men hat lover, oxford shoes or men wardrobe in general since forever, so this years men suits on woman silhuets comeback, has defianetly just fell into place.
So yes, all this enthusiasm has started to reflect on my personal stylings even more and do I like it? I love it. My fav lipstick, playing with prints, materials and this time in a bit more manly way with pearls around my neck. =)
Priložnost, ki se mi je ponudila nekaj mesecev nazaj, delati kot moška modna svetovalka, mi je predstavljala nov izziv, ki sem ga z veseljem sprejela, predvsem pa se takrat nisem zavedala, da bom odkrila novo ljubezen. Izziv, zaradi katerega sem začela raziskovati moško modo bolj kot sem jo kdaj koli do sedaj in izziv, zaradi katerega sem spregledala modo tudi skozi moške oči.
Prav nobene skrivnosti ni, da sem že dolgo velika ljubiteljica moških klobukov, oxford moških čevljev in moške garderobe na splošno, zato lahko rečem, da je letošnja vrnitev moške obleke na ženski silhueti, zapolnila manjkajoč košček v moji sestavljanki. In seveda, je vse moje navdušenje moralo odsevati na moj stil še bolj kot do sedaj. Zopet sem se igrala s plastenjem, vzorci in modernemu žensko/moškemu outfitu pa obesila biserne ogrlice, za piko na i. =)

16 komentarji
I love the contrast between the feminine pieces and the more androgynous ones! I super love your long coat, very chic :)
ReplyDeleteTake care,
Daniella xox
You have a Great Job! I love mens inspired outfits on a woman:):):)
ReplyDeleteDivna diiiivna!
ReplyDeletevery classy look,the pearl necklace makes the whole look very feminine while the coat adds some edgyness :)
ReplyDeleteAmazing outfit! Love the hat :)
ReplyDeletecute x
ReplyDeletemoustachic ♡
Twitter/Instagram: @moustachic
Can I have this outfit? You look so stylish!
Love your style! You look absolutely stunning!
ReplyDeleteMonica Harmony's Blog
amazing look, love this coat!
ReplyDeleteI love this! Men's coats are amazing
ReplyDeleteThe Koalafornian x
lovely style
ReplyDeleteCultureandtrend Blog
CultureandTrend Facebook
A truly AMAZING androgynous style outfit my dear, IN AWE! <3 You look absolutely gorgeous, huge fan of your style! <3
ReplyDeleteLiana x
Dress Code Chic
Great style. I love all.
great outfit!