
SHADE OF THE DAY - Highlight of my summer

July 11, 2013

New neon shade, was listed on my TOP neon shades the first second I painted it on my nails. Perfect color, great lasting power and perfect name for this gorgeous. China Glaze - Highlight of my summer

Še en NEON, ki se je uvrstil v listo mojih TOP neončkov, takoj ko sem ga zagledala! Popolna barva, krasna obstojnost in pravo ime za tega lepotca! China Glaze - Highlight of my summer

I needed two a bit thicker coats, but since it dries semi matte the dring power was not an issue at all.
Potrebovala sem dve malce debelejši plasti, a ker se posuši v nekakšen žameten videz (ne popolnoma mat) se je posušil izjemno hitro.

If you are thinking about summer in min clothes, rock them like Mulberry, or just makeup your eyes like Stelly Mccarthy or makeup artists for Peter Som fashion show did or just paint your nails like for Kate Spades show.
Če želite letošnje poletje min oblačila, so tukaj meni najljubši stajlingi od Mulderry-ja, makeup pa je iz modnih revij Stelle in Petra Som-a ali pa naredite manikuro kot pri Kate Spade.

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3 komentarji

  1. I really like this shade of green, how do you get the nail polish to look so even??


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  2. Oh my... tale barva je pa res sanjska!!

  3. Green is one of my fave color! The mint green look amazing against your skintone!

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    with love, Cassandra xx


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